Best Shoes & Best Insoles

Are Custom Foot Orthotics Worth It? [Get the BEST INSOLES & Save $$$]

Custom made foot orthotics and prosthetics can be EXPENSIVE! If you don’t want to waste your money, make 100% sure you are educated.

Podiatrist Recommended Orthotics:

  • These are our recommended orthotics.
  • There are different types for different shoes.
  • Women’s shoes usually need a less bulky orthotic, but allow for less correction.
  • A full length orthotic requires a running shoe, boot or comfortable walking/dress shoe.
  • We recommend doing everything you can to get a good supportive shoe that can fit a full length orthotic.
  • This is the best way to maximize your orthotics for great results.
Best Podiatrist Recommended Orthotics
Click this link for the best podiatrist recommended orthotics!


Should I get custom Foot Orthotics?

  • Patients will frequently walk into the clinic and say, “I’m here for custom orthotics.”
  • They are not even quite sure what is wrong with their foot, or what the benefits and negatives of custom foot orthotics are.
Posterior tibialist tendon flat foot changes
Posterior tibialis tendon flat foot changes can be helped with a good pair of orthotics.


  • The belief is that a cushioned plastic device will perfectly wrap around the bottom of your foot and make all your foot pain go away.
  • This misconception is why people sometimes pay such a large amount of money and are so disappointed when they finally get it.
  • There is 0% chance that an orthotic can  instantly heal your foot pain, just like a cast does not instantly heal a broken ankle.


  • In most cases, even when the orthotic is working, the average person receives about 50% of foot pain improvement per month.
  • This frequently depends on what exactly your problems are.
best insoles and orthotics for overpronation
The best insoles and orthotics for overpronation are simply comfortable ones that stop the foot from turning out!


  • After reading this guide, I promise you will not be one of those people.
  • You will be a smart and informed buyer who gets the best value for your hard-earned dollar!
  • Just to make clear, I will be brutally honest about the benefits and negatives of custom orthotics.
  • We will rely on hard proven data and facts to back up some of the bold claims made here.

custom orthotics flat foot posterior tibialis


  • Does this mean all orthotics are bad? Absolutely not, they can change your life and make your foot pain go away.
  • The can be the difference between a lifetime of pain and arthritis vs. pain free biomechanics.In fact, you will find no bigger fan of custom orthotics than me.


  • My goal is to warn you of all the negatives surrounding custom foot orthotics, and the people who try to take advantage of the large bloated cost.
  • Unfortunately getting custom orthotics can be a lot like buying something from a network marketing group.
  • You need to cross your finger about the hype and about 19 different people need to get paid for you to get!


Who is the best specialist to get custom orthotics from?

  • Podiatrist: Following medical school training, they receive between 3-4 years surgical and biomechanical training in foot and ankle problems.
  • Most podiatrists become board certified specifically in foot and ankle surgery and biomechanics.


  • Prosthetist:  They are excellent for working with your specialists fo


  • Orthopedic surgeon: Following medical school training, they receive 5 years surgical training on general whole body surgery.
  • A rare few spend a year focusing on 1 year foot and ankle specialization.


Orthotists and Prosthetists for Custom Made Foot Orthotics:

  • Orthotists and prosthetists as a specialty can design and fabricate artificial limbs for all body parts and appendages.
  • They undergo extensive training and generally possess resources like an on-site laboratory to create these prosthesis and orthoses.
  • Most of the time around the world (although this may differ depending on country) a prescription is needed by a specialist such as a podiatrist, a physiatrist, or an orthopedic physician to fill this prescription.


  • Orthotists and prosthetists can be an excellent source to have your prescription for orthotics filled.
  • There’s no downside to getting this made, but at the same time there are some great orthotics labs, and some not so great orthotics labs.


  • I personally love to use orthotists and prosthetists for any complex foot and ankle situation.
  • When someone has a very complicated foot type and issue, this is an excellent route to go.
  • The main reason being if you need a more unique type of insert this allows you to make multiple trips back and forth and have excellent access to a specialist with the equipment right then and there to adjust it on the spot.
  • No profession on average has better access to equipment to modifications.


Pros & Cons of Custom Orthotics:

Custom Orthotic Pros:

  • They have more ability than any other specialist to make and modify your orthotic.
  • They can make more unique designs, with different material types.
  • These are my personal choice for any complex foot and ankle orthotic or prosthetic.


Custom Orthotic Cons:

  • This results in numerous trips; you will likely have to get a prescription well ahead of time.
  • Think of them as manufacturers of an order, rather than to designer who places the order.
  • There is the possibility for miscommunication, which could lead to the patient becoming frustrated with the design of their custom foot orthotics.



  • Prosthetists are an excellent choice for getting custom made foot orthotics.
  • A great deal of podiatrists including myself love to work with them to create prosthetics and custom foot orthotics that we could never create on our own.
  • At the same time is not practical for people to make numerous trips to get these for straightforward foot and ankle issues.
  • There can be a disconnect in miscommunication regarding the orthotic that needs to be made when many people get involved.
  • Specialists should definitely use them for any complex foot and ankle issue.




Does insurance cover custom foot orthotics cost?

  • Most people assume that they have a good insurance and that their insurance should cover it.
  • They are shocked and terrified and very frequently angry when they realize that they have co-pays or the orthotic is not covered.
  • Further they are upset that they just paid about $300 to $400 for a piece of plastic that likely was not all that expensive to make, probably $20-$30 of material.
  • In fact, insurance will much rather pay for your surgery than help you cover your custom orthotic in most cases.
  • This is how much of a controversy there is surrounding the effectiveness and abuse of custom orthotics.


How long do I have to wait for insurance approval of custom orthotics?

  • To top it all off, the patient then realizes that they just waited months to get this orthotic approved by insurance.
  • By the time orthotics are sometimes covered, their pain going away.


When are custom prescription foot orthotics and prosthetics worth it?

  • They are worth it when you can avoid all the unethical and poor-quality suppliers of these products.
  • Unfortunately, this could even include healthcare practitioners with poor ethics.
  • Anytime there’s a lot of money involved; you know there will be people trying to make a quick buck.
  • There are many practitioners out there who will prescribe it for every single problem—- or some never at all.

  • There are even orthotics advertisements out there claiming to cure your headache with orthotics!
  • Just like any vitamin or supplement, orthotics advertisements claim to solve every problem in the world, and there are even some patients I have seen that have claimed their headache has gone away!

  • Custom foot orthotics and prosthetics are dream product to sell, nobody really knows a lot about them, nobody really knows what makes a good one, and some people will gladly pay over $500 to get one!

  • It is nearly impossible for consumers to know if they need and orthotic, or one expert prescription is for quality product.

  • The good news is that there are a lot of excellent practitioners who want to help you for a low-cost price.


When Are Custom Orthotics Good?

  • This puts a lot of pressure on the practitioner, this is probably the number one source of bad reviews for a foot specialist so people give up on this completely. You could see that a poorly educated orthotic prescription is painful for both the practitioner and for the patient.
  • The only people that keep pushing an effective orthotics are the unethical people or people selling custom orthotics online or by scanning type of computer device without evaluating the patient.
  • As you will learn throughout this guide, the single most important thing is creating a pathology specific custom orthotic.
  • Custom foot orthotics and orthopedic footwear or modifications can be helpful for very specific medical situations and diseases.
  • Studies themselves can be very effective because it is very difficult to study how effective these inserts truly are.
  • Nobody has the same foot across hundreds of different people, even people with certain conditions like plantar fasciitis and high arched fee have thousands of variations with use.

Podiatrist Recommended Orthotics:

  • These are our recommended orthotics & insoles.
  • Different insoles & orthotics are needed for different types of shoes.
  • Women’s shoes usually need a less bulky orthotic but allow for less correction.
  • A full-length orthotic requires a running shoe, boot, or comfortable walking/dress shoe.
  • We recommend doing everything you can to get a good supportive shoe that can fit a full-length orthotic.
  • This is the best way to maximize your orthotics for great results.
Best Podiatrist Recommended OTC Orthotics
Best Podiatrist Recommended OTC Orthotics

Best Full-Length Orthotics:

  • These will only work in wider shoes or a good supportive running shoe.
  • They do have better correction if you can fit them into your shoe and get a good fit.
  • Usually, it is necessary to go up 1/2 size or full size to be able to fit them.
  • This will not work in sandals, flats, or most women’s dress shoes.

Best Medium to Heavy Duty Heel Pain Orthotics:
Best Overall Orthotic For Everything (Medium Thick Fit)
Best Heavy Duty Orthotic (Thickest Fit)
Best SOFTER Choice For Sensitive Feet (Medium Thick Fit)
Best Women’s Orthotics
PowerStep Original Insoles - Arch Pain Relief Orthotics for Tight Shoes - Foot Support for Plantar Fasciitis, Mild Pronation, Foot & Arch Pain - Shoe Inserts for All, Made in USA (M 8-8.5, F 10-10.5)
PowerStep Pinnacle Maxx Orthotic Insoles - Orthotics for Overpronation with Maximum Stability & Comfort - Firm + Flexible Angled Heel Style to Help Flat Feet - Heavy Duty Inserts (M 10-10.5, F 12)
220+ lbs Plantar Fasciitis High Arch Support Insoles Men Women - Flat Feet Orthotic Inserts Standing All Day - Work Boot Shoe Insoles - Shoe Sole Flat Foot Heavy Men
Superfeet All-Purpose Women's High Impact Support Insoles (Berry) - Trim-To-Fit Orthotic Arch Support Inserts for Women's Running Shoes - Professional Grade - Size 8.5-10 Women
Price not available
These work best in shoes with laces and running shoes. Not good for dress shoes or women’s cute shoes.
Biggest and most corrective option. Only use for running shoes or work boots. Not cute shoes.
These are full length inserts, but softer. Great if you can’t tolerate the firmer ones. Best for very sore and sensitive feet.
Great Support & Better Fit
Pretty much guaranteed to help you if it fits in your shoes and you give it 2 weeks to get used to. 5,000+ amazon reviews, great track record.
My personal favorite, but not for everyone. Amazing reviews over 3,500. But not for everyone. Only for bigger shoes that can fit them
They are softer and the initial break in time is AMAZING. But longer term benefits are less. >500 Almost 5 star amazon rating.
Sleek, supportive and have a better fit than the orthotics above.
Do not wear these in cute or dress shoes!
Bigger and bulkier than all the other ones. You will be dissappointed if you have a cute women’s shoe or dress shoe. This is meant for running shoes and boots.
Great to start with, but don’t correct long term as much as the other ones.
A little bit more expensive.
Crucial Tips:
Ease in to these, 1-2hrs a day. They are like braces for your teeth, they suck at the beginning! But they will make your feet pain free as 1-2 weeks go by. Don’t give up on them after 1 or 2 days. Everyone feels off at the beginning!
This has the most correction, but hardest break in time! IF SENSITIVE, USE A SOFTER PAIR FIRST! But if you get these, you must break them in. Give it 1-2 hours a day, but then you will start to have excellent results. The bad reviews are all people who couldn’t fit it into their shoes and gave up too quickly. You have been WARNED!
If you are very sore, TRY THESE FIRST! These are easiest to break in with initially. If you are very sore and rigid, don’t use the heavy duty ones to start with.
These will have a harder time fitting in flats and pointed shoes.
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Best Medium to Heavy Duty Heel Pain Orthotics:
Best Overall Orthotic For Everything (Medium Thick Fit)
PowerStep Original Insoles - Arch Pain Relief Orthotics for Tight Shoes - Foot Support for Plantar Fasciitis, Mild Pronation, Foot & Arch Pain - Shoe Inserts for All, Made in USA (M 8-8.5, F 10-10.5)
These work best in shoes with laces and running shoes. Not good for dress shoes or women’s cute shoes.
Pretty much guaranteed to help you if it fits in your shoes and you give it 2 weeks to get used to. 5,000+ amazon reviews, great track record.
Do not wear these in cute or dress shoes!
Crucial Tips:
Ease in to these, 1-2hrs a day. They are like braces for your teeth, they suck at the beginning! But they will make your feet pain free as 1-2 weeks go by. Don’t give up on them after 1 or 2 days. Everyone feels off at the beginning!
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Best Medium to Heavy Duty Heel Pain Orthotics:
Best Heavy Duty Orthotic (Thickest Fit)
PowerStep Pinnacle Maxx Orthotic Insoles - Orthotics for Overpronation with Maximum Stability & Comfort - Firm + Flexible Angled Heel Style to Help Flat Feet - Heavy Duty Inserts (M 10-10.5, F 12)
Biggest and most corrective option. Only use for running shoes or work boots. Not cute shoes.
My personal favorite, but not for everyone. Amazing reviews over 3,500. But not for everyone. Only for bigger shoes that can fit them
Bigger and bulkier than all the other ones. You will be dissappointed if you have a cute women’s shoe or dress shoe. This is meant for running shoes and boots.
Crucial Tips:
This has the most correction, but hardest break in time! IF SENSITIVE, USE A SOFTER PAIR FIRST! But if you get these, you must break them in. Give it 1-2 hours a day, but then you will start to have excellent results. The bad reviews are all people who couldn’t fit it into their shoes and gave up too quickly. You have been WARNED!
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Best Medium to Heavy Duty Heel Pain Orthotics:
Best SOFTER Choice For Sensitive Feet (Medium Thick Fit)
220+ lbs Plantar Fasciitis High Arch Support Insoles Men Women - Flat Feet Orthotic Inserts Standing All Day - Work Boot Shoe Insoles - Shoe Sole Flat Foot Heavy Men
Price not available
These are full length inserts, but softer. Great if you can’t tolerate the firmer ones. Best for very sore and sensitive feet.
They are softer and the initial break in time is AMAZING. But longer term benefits are less. >500 Almost 5 star amazon rating.
Great to start with, but don’t correct long term as much as the other ones.
Crucial Tips:
If you are very sore, TRY THESE FIRST! These are easiest to break in with initially. If you are very sore and rigid, don’t use the heavy duty ones to start with.
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Best Medium to Heavy Duty Heel Pain Orthotics:
Best Women’s Orthotics
Superfeet All-Purpose Women's High Impact Support Insoles (Berry) - Trim-To-Fit Orthotic Arch Support Inserts for Women's Running Shoes - Professional Grade - Size 8.5-10 Women
Great Support & Better Fit
Sleek, supportive and have a better fit than the orthotics above.
A little bit more expensive.
Crucial Tips:
These will have a harder time fitting in flats and pointed shoes.
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Best Dress Shoe Orthotics:

  • These are a great choice for dress orthotics.
  • If you have a pointed shoe, this may benefit most from 3/4 orthotics.
  • A full-length dress shoe orthotic can work better in wide-toe box or loafer style dress shoes.

Best Dress Shoe Orthotics:
Best Fitting Dress Shoe Orthotic (3/4″)
Best Full Length Dress Orthotic.
Great Heavy Duty Insole for Men
Powerstep Signature Dress 3/4-Length Insoles – Dress Shoe Insoles for Men and Women
Powerstep Signature Dress Full-Length Insoles for Men and Women
Superfeet Casual Men's Easyfit Insoles - Comfort Shoe Inserts for Men - Anti-Fatigue Orthotic Insoles for Dress Shoes - Professional Grade - Size 7.5-9 Men
Price not available
Price not available
This is my top choice due to best fit. It is a little less supportive than full length, but fit is the key in dress shoes!
Best option if you can fit a full length orthotic. This does give you most control.
Great price and heavy duty insole for Oxford shoes.
Excellent overall fit. This will fit in almost every dress shoe. Excellent reviews and reasonable cost overall. Can’t go wrong in most cases.
Great color dress option. Not the most corrective, but very color and dress appropriate. Great Reviews. Better correction and relief than the 3/4″ length.
These fit in most shoes and have really good predictable results
Less correction than full length and heavy duty orthotics.
These can have a poor fit in in some shoes. If you have tight shoes, DO NOT BUY the full length orthotic! You have been warned.
They are not full length and thus do not provide as much support
Crucial Tips:
If you haven’t used dress orthotics before, get this one and avoid poor fit. If you wear dress shoes every day with room, the full length might give you more support.
This is will work great in most men’s shoes that are not pointy. If you have a rounded toe box, this will probably work well. If a tight shoe go with the 3/4″ length.
Get these for Oxford and pointed shoes. This will provide best results.
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Best Dress Shoe Orthotics:
Best Fitting Dress Shoe Orthotic (3/4″)
Powerstep Signature Dress 3/4-Length Insoles – Dress Shoe Insoles for Men and Women
Price not available
This is my top choice due to best fit. It is a little less supportive than full length, but fit is the key in dress shoes!
Excellent overall fit. This will fit in almost every dress shoe. Excellent reviews and reasonable cost overall. Can’t go wrong in most cases.
Less correction than full length and heavy duty orthotics.
Crucial Tips:
If you haven’t used dress orthotics before, get this one and avoid poor fit. If you wear dress shoes every day with room, the full length might give you more support.
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Best Dress Shoe Orthotics:
Best Full Length Dress Orthotic.
Powerstep Signature Dress Full-Length Insoles for Men and Women
Price not available
Best option if you can fit a full length orthotic. This does give you most control.
Great color dress option. Not the most corrective, but very color and dress appropriate. Great Reviews. Better correction and relief than the 3/4″ length.
These can have a poor fit in in some shoes. If you have tight shoes, DO NOT BUY the full length orthotic! You have been warned.
Crucial Tips:
This is will work great in most men’s shoes that are not pointy. If you have a rounded toe box, this will probably work well. If a tight shoe go with the 3/4″ length.
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Best Dress Shoe Orthotics:
Great Heavy Duty Insole for Men
Superfeet Casual Men's Easyfit Insoles - Comfort Shoe Inserts for Men - Anti-Fatigue Orthotic Insoles for Dress Shoes - Professional Grade - Size 7.5-9 Men
Great price and heavy duty insole for Oxford shoes.
These fit in most shoes and have really good predictable results
They are not full length and thus do not provide as much support
Crucial Tips:
Get these for Oxford and pointed shoes. This will provide best results.
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Best 3/4 Length Orthotics:

  • These are great options for women’s dress shoes and thinner shoes.
  • This may be a good starting option for insoles and orthotics if you have never worn a pair before.
  • The break-in period may be easier than getting used to a firmer full-length pair.
  • These are not the most supportive pair of orthotics.

Best Flat Shoe (Non-Lace Up) Orthotics:
Best Choice For Tight Women’s Shoes or High Heels..
Powerstep SlenderFit Fashion Orthotic-W
Price not available
These are the best fitting for the most narrow shoes. Some but not great correction.
They will fit in even the tightest shoes! Guaranteed to make you feel better, but you know what you are getting in a tight shoes. Great reviews and price.
At the end of the day high heels and slender orthotics help, but never cure all your pain. Make the best of a painful shoe!
Crucial Tips:
**WARNING***: If your shoe almost just barely fits onto your foot, this WILL NOT FIT! Be aware, it still needs a small amount of space to fit.
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Best Flat Shoe (Non-Lace Up) Orthotics:
Best Choice For Tight Women’s Shoes or High Heels..
Powerstep SlenderFit Fashion Orthotic-W
Price not available
These are the best fitting for the most narrow shoes. Some but not great correction.
They will fit in even the tightest shoes! Guaranteed to make you feel better, but you know what you are getting in a tight shoes. Great reviews and price.
At the end of the day high heels and slender orthotics help, but never cure all your pain. Make the best of a painful shoe!
Crucial Tips:
**WARNING***: If your shoe almost just barely fits onto your foot, this WILL NOT FIT! Be aware, it still needs a small amount of space to fit.
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Get A Great Dynamic Stretch:

  • It is possible to stretch on your own, but these products can also really help!
  • These are a great option for increasing foot flexibility.
  • I personally use these stretching devices every single day to maintain good flexibility and shoe fit.
  • This will take pressure off of the ball of your foot.
  • We personally prefer this method of stretching.

Best Standing Foot & Ankle Stretching Devices:
Best Premium Plantar Fascia Stretching Device.
Best Budget Plantar Fascia Stretching Stretch Device.
Best Stationary Calf Stretching Device.
Best Hamstring Stretching Device
Rolling With It Premium Calf Stretcher and Foot Rocker for Plantar Fasciitis Relief, Achilles Tendonitis, Increase Mobility and Flexibility, Improve Range of Motion With our Foot Stretcher
North American Healthcare Foot Rocker Blue -Optimal Foot Position for Flexibility, Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, and other Chronic Conditions
Professional Wooden Slant Board, Adjustable Incline Calf Stretch Slantboard with Full Non-Slip Surface, 16 inches x 12.5 inches, 5 Positions (350 LB Capacity) (Edition 1)
IdealStretch Original – Hamstring Stretcher, Lower Back Stretcher, Hip Stretcher, & Calf Stretcher - Knee Extension & Pain Relief
Great Stretching Device While Standing. (4.9 Amazon Rating)
Plastic and Lighter Plantar Fascia & Achilles Stretching Device.
Premium Best Rated Wood Ankle Stretch Device.
Uses gravity to stretch your hamstring for you. Great reviews and track record.
Very sturdy and durable. Great bottom grip and weight so it won’t slide on you. Perfect 5 star review on Amazon.
Amazing cost, still works and 1,300+ 5 star reviews. Works great overall and gives you the same stretch.
Near perfect 4.8 star review on Amazon. Great sturdy device that stretches your calf and hamstring. All you have to do is lean forward. Can be very effective.
Reviews on Amazon are >4.5 overall with hundreds of reviews. It uses gravity to stretch for you, allows you to also use your hips. Gets great results.
More expensive and built like a tank = more weight. If you can’t balance well or support yourself it could be dangerous.
The plastic and less bulk/grip makes it more dangerous to slip. Less premium feel to it.
Nothing wrong with the product, as the reviews suggest, but at the end of the day you can do this stuff yourself (just a little bit harder).
These are stretches that you realistically can do on your own. If budget is tight, this is not worth it. If you need help with hamstring stretching, it can make all the difference.
Important Tips:
Make sure you can balance yourself well against a counter/railing. Do only one foot at a time to prevent falling. Uses your body weight to stretch for you.
Even more important to balance yourself well with this device, make sure you don’t injure yourself with this thing! Still gives you a great stretch to the area.
Make sure you balance yourself on a counter/railing. You need to keep up with this daily at least 15-30 second x 3 or so per morning. It doesn’t stretch for you!
Need to do 3-5 stretches per day 15-30 seconds. You should notice a massive difference to knee and hamstring tightness. You can massage roll ahead to time for better results for 30-60 seconds.
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Best Standing Foot & Ankle Stretching Devices:
Best Premium Plantar Fascia Stretching Device.
Rolling With It Premium Calf Stretcher and Foot Rocker for Plantar Fasciitis Relief, Achilles Tendonitis, Increase Mobility and Flexibility, Improve Range of Motion With our Foot Stretcher
Great Stretching Device While Standing. (4.9 Amazon Rating)
Very sturdy and durable. Great bottom grip and weight so it won’t slide on you. Perfect 5 star review on Amazon.
More expensive and built like a tank = more weight. If you can’t balance well or support yourself it could be dangerous.
Important Tips:
Make sure you can balance yourself well against a counter/railing. Do only one foot at a time to prevent falling. Uses your body weight to stretch for you.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Standing Foot & Ankle Stretching Devices:
Best Budget Plantar Fascia Stretching Stretch Device.
North American Healthcare Foot Rocker Blue -Optimal Foot Position for Flexibility, Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, and other Chronic Conditions
Plastic and Lighter Plantar Fascia & Achilles Stretching Device.
Amazing cost, still works and 1,300+ 5 star reviews. Works great overall and gives you the same stretch.
The plastic and less bulk/grip makes it more dangerous to slip. Less premium feel to it.
Important Tips:
Even more important to balance yourself well with this device, make sure you don’t injure yourself with this thing! Still gives you a great stretch to the area.
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Best Standing Foot & Ankle Stretching Devices:
Best Stationary Calf Stretching Device.
Professional Wooden Slant Board, Adjustable Incline Calf Stretch Slantboard with Full Non-Slip Surface, 16 inches x 12.5 inches, 5 Positions (350 LB Capacity) (Edition 1)
Premium Best Rated Wood Ankle Stretch Device.
Near perfect 4.8 star review on Amazon. Great sturdy device that stretches your calf and hamstring. All you have to do is lean forward. Can be very effective.
Nothing wrong with the product, as the reviews suggest, but at the end of the day you can do this stuff yourself (just a little bit harder).
Important Tips:
Make sure you balance yourself on a counter/railing. You need to keep up with this daily at least 15-30 second x 3 or so per morning. It doesn’t stretch for you!
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Best Standing Foot & Ankle Stretching Devices:
Best Hamstring Stretching Device
IdealStretch Original – Hamstring Stretcher, Lower Back Stretcher, Hip Stretcher, & Calf Stretcher - Knee Extension & Pain Relief
Uses gravity to stretch your hamstring for you. Great reviews and track record.
Reviews on Amazon are >4.5 overall with hundreds of reviews. It uses gravity to stretch for you, allows you to also use your hips. Gets great results.
These are stretches that you realistically can do on your own. If budget is tight, this is not worth it. If you need help with hamstring stretching, it can make all the difference.
Important Tips:
Need to do 3-5 stretches per day 15-30 seconds. You should notice a massive difference to knee and hamstring tightness. You can massage roll ahead to time for better results for 30-60 seconds.
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Best Shoes & Best Insoles