Toenail Pain [Toenail Fungus, Ingrown Toenails, Discolored Toenails]

Black Toenail Falling Off [Causes, Home Remedies & Best Treatment]

Why is My Black Toenail Falling Off? Make 100% sure you have the most complete causes and the ABSOLUTE best treatment for your black toenail injury!


  • Red & black toenail pain can be improved with a few simple treatment changes.
  • We are foot doctors & we see this problem get better almost every day.
  • The goal is to solve this problem without medication or surgery if at all possible.

So, let’s GO!

What causes your toenail to turn black and fall off?

black under toenail toenail turning black

Red or Black Toenail Picture & Photo Gallery:


  • A red toenail generally means fresh blood or a fresh injury.
  • This can be called a toenail hematoma or fresh blood from repetitive irritation.
  • A black toenail is generally more dried blood that has crested underneath the toenail.
  • Very infrequently, can a black toenail be something more dangerous like melanoma?
  • It is also possible for your toenail to the infected with toenail fungus. This can also then result in rubbing and bleeding after the toenail fungus.
  • If there is toenail fungus, this is usually more of a brown or yellow color.
  • A toenail falling off is a widespread problem as well.

Please click on the photo gallery for descriptions & full-size photos!

Why are my toenails turning black and falling off?

  • The toenail becomes black because the underside of the toenail plate is very rich with blood vessels.
  • Once the nail is disturbed and loosened, these blood vessels rupture, leading to blood pooling.
  • The blood will stop eventually, but increased pain can increase due to increased pressure underneath the nail.
Left great toe black toenail with left 2nd toenail fresh bleeding.
Left great toe black toenail with left 2nd toenail fresh bleeding.

Consider the 4 most common causes of Black Spots On The Toenails:

The Complete Black Toenails Diagnosis Guide.

Right big toe nail fungus with right 2nd toe blood.
Right big toenail fungus with right 2nd toe blood.

Will the Toenail Grow Back?

  • In almost all cases, the toenail will grow back.
  • The undersurface of the nail plate is needed to nourish it with blood, but the nail will regrow from the base of the nail.
  • The toenail will grow back at approximately 1 millimeter per month. This is very slow.
  • So if you lose the last 5 millimeters of your toenail, it will take approximately 5 months for it to grow back.
  • It isn’t easy to increase the speed of regrowth.
  • The most you can do to regrow your nail is to decrease the pain and swelling when it happens and protect the toe.

Toenail keeps falling off black underneath – 3 causes:

The occurrence of a black toenail falling off is usually due to three common causes:

1) Traumatic Toenail Injury:


  • Severe pain and throbbing.
  • Obvious injury.
  • Dropping something heavy or hitting your toe really hard.
  • Black or red appearance.
  • Obvious bleeding.
Fractured hallux: stubbed vs broken big toe
How to know if you have a stubbed vs. broken big toe guide!

Home Treatment:

2) Constant Rubbing Due To Exercise:


  • Pain may be absent, mild, moderate, or severe.
  • Gradually appears over time.
  • Most common in people with new shoes starting a new exercise routine.
  • Common in people starting to exercise after taking a long break.
  • Marathon training can usually cause this!
  • Black or red appearance.
  • It may even be loose without obvious blood.
Right 2nd toe bloody and black toenail.
Right 2nd toe bloody and black toenail.

Home Treatment:

3) Toenail Fungus Causing Separation:


  • Pain may range from completely absent to chronic aching pain.
  • Very thick toenails.
  • Yellow, green, or brown toenails.
  • Thick and crumbling toenails.
  • Very brittle and can break apart as you pick against them.
Black 2nd toenail vs. big toenail fungus with yellow crust.
Black 2nd toenail vs. big toenail fungus with yellow crust.

Home Treatment:

Black Toenail Related Problems:

See if any of these other problems apply to your situation!

  1. Toenail Fungus.
  2. Very Long Toenails.
  3. Ingrown Toenail.
  4. Toenail Falling Off.
  5. Black Streaks Under The Nails.
  6. White Patches On Toenails.
  7. Black Spot Under The Toenail.
  8. Red Spot Under The Toenail.
  9. Toenail Coming Off The Nail Bed.
  10. Toenail Psoriasis.

Best Toenail Fungus Products:

Toenail Fungus Best Treatment Products

  • These are our favorite products to treat toenail fungus at home.
  • Keratin Granulations are very easily taken care of through moisturizing your nails with cuticle wax, oils and simply avoiding nail polish for a little while.
  • It is not necessary to buy anything expensive or online; it is fine to use a product like Vaseline or any other petroleum oil in most circumstances.
  • So get yourself some petroleum jelly at your corner store and apply it to your nails at night when you won’t be using your hands. In 2 weeks, you should be in great shape!
  • Make sure you read the reviews and see if it is good for you!

How to fix toenail fungus:

  • There are many different types of toenail damage.
  • In our experience, about 90% or more is related to toenail fungus.
  • The key to toenail fungus is to trim it as much as possible and file that nailed down.
  • These products are not meant to replace prescription drugs or medical treatment equipment.
  • If you can do that, you have to make sure you can kill fungus the rest of the way.
  • The best way to do that is to soak exfoliate the affected toenail skin. So, consider foot soaks.
  • At the same time, you have to apply antifungal medication such as these medications recommended here or the toenail repair pens.

Best Toenail Repair Products:
Best Toenail Repair Pen.
Top Choice For Direct Toenail Application.
Top Choice For Cream For Toenails & Webspaces.
Great Option For Foot Soak.
Great Tea Tree Oil Treatment
Toenail Fungus Treatment Extra Strength: Nail Fungus Treatment for Toenail - Fungal Nail Repair Pen 4 Packs
100% Pure New Zealand Manuka Oil | Organic Essential Oil | 35x Stronger Than Tea Tree | Natural Skin Care | Toenail Treatment | Diffuser | Aromatherapy | Nails | Hair | Skin | Lips
Foot Finish Foot Repair Cream for Athletes Foot Treatment - 4oz Foot Cream for Dry Cracked Feet - Tea Tree Toenail Treatment - Powerful, Natural Anti Itch Cream with Tea Tree, Rose & Lavender Essential Oils
Tea Tree Oil Foot Soak with Epsom Salt - Made in USA - for Toenail Athletes Foot, Stubborn Foot Odor Scent, Softens Calluses & Soothes Sore Tired Feet - 16 Ounces
Naturenics Tea Tree Essential Oil | 100% USDA Organic Melaleuca Alternifolia Therapeutic Grade | Natures Solution For Acne, Lice, Toenail Fungus, Hair, Face,Skin Problems | Roll On & eBook - 1 Fl Oz
Price not available
Price not available
4 Pens with quick dry application that leaves a sealing lid on top. Easy to store and apply. Key is still to trim/file the toenail first!
All natural option that is toxic to fungus. This is similar to tea tree oil in that respect but can be more effective. You still need to exfoliate dead skin and trim thick toenails.
All natural cream option. This is a good option compared to some of the quick dry gels. This can be used on the skin surrounding your toenails.
Safe, cost effective and relaxing all at the same time! This needs to be used in a 20 minute foot soak. Works well for exfoliating loose skin/toenail as well as softening.
Tea Tree Oil is well studied and an all natural anti-fungal treatment.
Easy to use, quick drying. This fills into the cracks and seals them with minimal mess. This is great for sealing even dehydrated keratin granulations.
All natural, relatively cost effective. 1,000s of reviews with excellent results. Very clean and quick drying, easy to apply.
Relatively cost effective. All natural tea tree oil that is proven toxic to fungus. Can be used on surrounding skin as well.
Very safe, little risk, low cost and very effective if used correctly. The key is to use it as an aid to soften and exfoliate loose/dry dead skin and toenail.
Great reviews at 4.7/5 at 500+ overall reviews. Well proven and natural option.
0% chance of working if your toenail is loose and has no blood supply. Make sure you trim and file any loose finger or toenail. Otherwise “0% CHANCE OF WORKING!” You cannot restore a dead toenail without blood flow.
Small amount and a little more expensive than some other options. Once more has 0% chance of working if your goal is to heal a dead, detached toenail or dry skin. Are you noticing this is a trend? This is really the key!
Still more expensive than other options. Can get messy all over different areas of your foot. Key is still debride and cleaning your dry dead toenails and skin. TRIM them!
It once more has 0% chance working if you are trying to save loose and dead crusty skin. Fungus will always grow on this if no blood flow. It can not regenerate dead skin, only exfoliate it.
Not the greatest amount of solution, the all natural solutions can be more expensive.
Crucial Tips:
There is some evidence that these active ingredients work, just be aware: These are not FDA approved and massively studied medications!
There is some evidence that these active ingredients work, just be aware: These are not FDA approved and massively studied medications!
There is some evidence that these active ingredients work, just be aware: These are not FDA approved and massively studied medications!
There is some evidence that these active ingredients work, just be aware: These are not FDA approved and massively studied medications!
Although tea tree oil does nave studies and is antifungal, it is not an FDA approved medication and not studied for this specific use.
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Best Toenail Repair Products:
Best Toenail Repair Pen.
Toenail Fungus Treatment Extra Strength: Nail Fungus Treatment for Toenail - Fungal Nail Repair Pen 4 Packs
4 Pens with quick dry application that leaves a sealing lid on top. Easy to store and apply. Key is still to trim/file the toenail first!
Easy to use, quick drying. This fills into the cracks and seals them with minimal mess. This is great for sealing even dehydrated keratin granulations.
0% chance of working if your toenail is loose and has no blood supply. Make sure you trim and file any loose finger or toenail. Otherwise “0% CHANCE OF WORKING!” You cannot restore a dead toenail without blood flow.
Crucial Tips:
There is some evidence that these active ingredients work, just be aware: These are not FDA approved and massively studied medications!
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Toenail Repair Products:
Top Choice For Direct Toenail Application.
100% Pure New Zealand Manuka Oil | Organic Essential Oil | 35x Stronger Than Tea Tree | Natural Skin Care | Toenail Treatment | Diffuser | Aromatherapy | Nails | Hair | Skin | Lips
All natural option that is toxic to fungus. This is similar to tea tree oil in that respect but can be more effective. You still need to exfoliate dead skin and trim thick toenails.
All natural, relatively cost effective. 1,000s of reviews with excellent results. Very clean and quick drying, easy to apply.
Small amount and a little more expensive than some other options. Once more has 0% chance of working if your goal is to heal a dead, detached toenail or dry skin. Are you noticing this is a trend? This is really the key!
Crucial Tips:
There is some evidence that these active ingredients work, just be aware: These are not FDA approved and massively studied medications!
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Toenail Repair Products:
Top Choice For Cream For Toenails & Webspaces.
Foot Finish Foot Repair Cream for Athletes Foot Treatment - 4oz Foot Cream for Dry Cracked Feet - Tea Tree Toenail Treatment - Powerful, Natural Anti Itch Cream with Tea Tree, Rose & Lavender Essential Oils
Price not available
All natural cream option. This is a good option compared to some of the quick dry gels. This can be used on the skin surrounding your toenails.
Relatively cost effective. All natural tea tree oil that is proven toxic to fungus. Can be used on surrounding skin as well.
Still more expensive than other options. Can get messy all over different areas of your foot. Key is still debride and cleaning your dry dead toenails and skin. TRIM them!
Crucial Tips:
There is some evidence that these active ingredients work, just be aware: These are not FDA approved and massively studied medications!
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Toenail Repair Products:
Great Option For Foot Soak.
Tea Tree Oil Foot Soak with Epsom Salt - Made in USA - for Toenail Athletes Foot, Stubborn Foot Odor Scent, Softens Calluses & Soothes Sore Tired Feet - 16 Ounces
Safe, cost effective and relaxing all at the same time! This needs to be used in a 20 minute foot soak. Works well for exfoliating loose skin/toenail as well as softening.
Very safe, little risk, low cost and very effective if used correctly. The key is to use it as an aid to soften and exfoliate loose/dry dead skin and toenail.
It once more has 0% chance working if you are trying to save loose and dead crusty skin. Fungus will always grow on this if no blood flow. It can not regenerate dead skin, only exfoliate it.
Crucial Tips:
There is some evidence that these active ingredients work, just be aware: These are not FDA approved and massively studied medications!
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Toenail Repair Products:
Great Tea Tree Oil Treatment
Naturenics Tea Tree Essential Oil | 100% USDA Organic Melaleuca Alternifolia Therapeutic Grade | Natures Solution For Acne, Lice, Toenail Fungus, Hair, Face,Skin Problems | Roll On & eBook - 1 Fl Oz
Price not available
Tea Tree Oil is well studied and an all natural anti-fungal treatment.
Great reviews at 4.7/5 at 500+ overall reviews. Well proven and natural option.
Not the greatest amount of solution, the all natural solutions can be more expensive.
Crucial Tips:
Although tea tree oil does nave studies and is antifungal, it is not an FDA approved medication and not studied for this specific use.
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Best Toenail Fungus Clippers & Files:

  • This is something you have to be careful using at home, and deftly don’t use these if you have dangerous health conditions.
  • These are some great value heavy-duty clippers and sets.
  • The key is to cut straight across and file the nail down from the top to prevent impinging in the corners.
  • It is also important to make sure all dead, dry skin is removed surrounding the foot.
  • This is where you should really see your podiatrist if you have any concerns or are worried about cutting or hurting yourself.
  • This is something covered, so don’t take chances with your health!

Best Grooming Supplies
Best Value Clipping Set
Best Value Heavy Duty Clipper Set
Heavy Duty Non-Scissor Clipper
Nail Clippers Sets High Precisio Stainless Steel Nail Cutter Pedicure Kit Nail File Sharp Nail Scissors and Clipper Manicure Pedicure Kit Fingernails & Toenails with Portable Stylish case (Black)
Norchan Large Nail Clippers Set, 5 Pcs Sharp Toenail and Fingernail Clippers for Men and Women (Premium, Big Size, Heavy-Duty Design)
KOHM Nail Clippers for Thick Nails - Heavy Duty, Wide Mouth Professional Fingernail and Toenail Clippers for Men, Women & Seniors, Silver
This is the Amazon best overall rated value set: Great Reviews and cost.
Value heavy duty clipper, nail file and currette for scooping under the nail.
Great alternative choice for heavy duty clipper if difficulty cutting with the other one.
4.4/5 ratings at almost 800+ ratings. Multi-tool set that should be adequate for most people.
4.7/5 reviews with 200+ reviews. Strong clipper with files and currette, everything you need!
Excellent reviews, 4.8/5 with 600+ reviews. Some people prefer this grip
It won’t work for heavy duty thickness. It can be dangerous clipping if you have health conditions.
It is still not perfect if you can’t reach your foot. See your podiatrist if health conditions.
No currette and no nail file, so you may need this.
Crucial Tips:
If your toenails are too thick and if you have dangerous health conditions, see your podiatrist for your toenail fungus!
If you have health conditions, be very safe at home, this can be a risky treatment! Be very safe.
Make sure to see your podiatrist if you have metabolic or blood flow conditions! Be safe if you can’t reach.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Grooming Supplies
Best Value Clipping Set
Nail Clippers Sets High Precisio Stainless Steel Nail Cutter Pedicure Kit Nail File Sharp Nail Scissors and Clipper Manicure Pedicure Kit Fingernails & Toenails with Portable Stylish case (Black)
This is the Amazon best overall rated value set: Great Reviews and cost.
4.4/5 ratings at almost 800+ ratings. Multi-tool set that should be adequate for most people.
It won’t work for heavy duty thickness. It can be dangerous clipping if you have health conditions.
Crucial Tips:
If your toenails are too thick and if you have dangerous health conditions, see your podiatrist for your toenail fungus!
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Grooming Supplies
Best Value Heavy Duty Clipper Set
Norchan Large Nail Clippers Set, 5 Pcs Sharp Toenail and Fingernail Clippers for Men and Women (Premium, Big Size, Heavy-Duty Design)
Value heavy duty clipper, nail file and currette for scooping under the nail.
4.7/5 reviews with 200+ reviews. Strong clipper with files and currette, everything you need!
It is still not perfect if you can’t reach your foot. See your podiatrist if health conditions.
Crucial Tips:
If you have health conditions, be very safe at home, this can be a risky treatment! Be very safe.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Grooming Supplies
Heavy Duty Non-Scissor Clipper
KOHM Nail Clippers for Thick Nails - Heavy Duty, Wide Mouth Professional Fingernail and Toenail Clippers for Men, Women & Seniors, Silver
Great alternative choice for heavy duty clipper if difficulty cutting with the other one.
Excellent reviews, 4.8/5 with 600+ reviews. Some people prefer this grip
No currette and no nail file, so you may need this.
Crucial Tips:
Make sure to see your podiatrist if you have metabolic or blood flow conditions! Be safe if you can’t reach.
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Best Antifungal Moisture Wicking Socks:

  • These are some great options for moisture-wicking socks.
  • We tried to focus on budget value stocks that are not too expensive.
  • Sure there are better stocks out there, but these are great socks for a great price for most people.
  • If you have diabetes, focus on getting yourself some diabetic socks.

Best woman’s antifungal socks:

Best Women’s Anti-Sweat & Anti-Fungus Socks
Great choice for women’s running socks with moisture wicking design.
Best Seller & Most Reviewed Crew Socks
Best Overall Women’s Dress Sock
Great reviewed crew length bamboo sock.
Saucony Women's RunDry Performance Heel Tab Athletic Socks, Available in S-L (8, 16, 24, Grey Assorted (8 Pairs), Medium
Carhartt womens Plus Force Performance Work Crew 3 Pair Pack Casual Sock, Black, Medium US
CHARMKING Compression Socks for Women & Men (8 Pairs) 15-20 mmHg Graduated Copper Support Socks are Best for Pregnant, Nurses - Boost Performance, Circulation, Knee High & Wide Calf (S/M, Multi 06)
SERISIMPLE Women Viscose Bamboo Ankle Socks Low Cut Thin Sock Lightweight Pastal Color Soft Sock 5 Pairs(Assorted, Medium)
Price not available
Ankle height socks, great for running with moisture wicking design, great company.
This is a great reviewed budget crew sock. It has more cushion and bulk than the running sock.
Great overall full length dress socks, great reviews and good overall price.
This is a great alternative to the other crew sock. Great reviews.
4.7/5 reviews with over 5,000+ reviews! Great reliable company with great reviews.
The best seller for moisture wicking women’s socks. Great reviews at 4.2/5 with over 3,000+ reviews.
Great reviews 4.4/5, which suprisingly is better than most dress socks. Excellent overall choice.
Very well reviewed sock: 4.4/5 rating and over 700+ reviews.
These are thinner and more likely to curl/fall apart.
Not the world’s most expensive socks. Main complaints are the durability long term.
Dress socks are less durable than crew socks. They can work well.
Not much downsides. Good overall sock.
Crucial Tips:
Not as well cushioned as other socks. Make sure to combine with a good supportive orthotic and breathable sock.
These are great everyday socks. Combine with good breathable shoes and orthotics for best results.
Make sure to get a good 3/4 length dress orthotic or dress shoe orthotic with a good shoe.
Make sure to combine with a good breathable shoe and supportive orthotics.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Women’s Anti-Sweat & Anti-Fungus Socks
Great choice for women’s running socks with moisture wicking design.
Saucony Women's RunDry Performance Heel Tab Athletic Socks, Available in S-L (8, 16, 24, Grey Assorted (8 Pairs), Medium
Ankle height socks, great for running with moisture wicking design, great company.
4.7/5 reviews with over 5,000+ reviews! Great reliable company with great reviews.
These are thinner and more likely to curl/fall apart.
Crucial Tips:
Not as well cushioned as other socks. Make sure to combine with a good supportive orthotic and breathable sock.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Women’s Anti-Sweat & Anti-Fungus Socks
Best Seller & Most Reviewed Crew Socks
Carhartt womens Plus Force Performance Work Crew 3 Pair Pack Casual Sock, Black, Medium US
Price not available
This is a great reviewed budget crew sock. It has more cushion and bulk than the running sock.
The best seller for moisture wicking women’s socks. Great reviews at 4.2/5 with over 3,000+ reviews.
Not the world’s most expensive socks. Main complaints are the durability long term.
Crucial Tips:
These are great everyday socks. Combine with good breathable shoes and orthotics for best results.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Women’s Anti-Sweat & Anti-Fungus Socks
Best Overall Women’s Dress Sock
CHARMKING Compression Socks for Women & Men (8 Pairs) 15-20 mmHg Graduated Copper Support Socks are Best for Pregnant, Nurses - Boost Performance, Circulation, Knee High & Wide Calf (S/M, Multi 06)
Great overall full length dress socks, great reviews and good overall price.
Great reviews 4.4/5, which suprisingly is better than most dress socks. Excellent overall choice.
Dress socks are less durable than crew socks. They can work well.
Crucial Tips:
Make sure to get a good 3/4 length dress orthotic or dress shoe orthotic with a good shoe.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Women’s Anti-Sweat & Anti-Fungus Socks
Great reviewed crew length bamboo sock.
SERISIMPLE Women Viscose Bamboo Ankle Socks Low Cut Thin Sock Lightweight Pastal Color Soft Sock 5 Pairs(Assorted, Medium)
This is a great alternative to the other crew sock. Great reviews.
Very well reviewed sock: 4.4/5 rating and over 700+ reviews.
Not much downsides. Good overall sock.
Crucial Tips:
Make sure to combine with a good breathable shoe and supportive orthotics.
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Best men’s antifungal socks:

Best Men’s Anti-Sweat & Anti-Fungus Socks
Best Budget & Well Reviewed Moisture Wicking Socks
Best ankle sock length Men’s running socks, moisture wicking.
Dickies Men's Dri-tech Moisture Control Crew Socks Multipack
Saucony Men's Multi-pack Mesh Ventilating Comfort Fit Performance No-Show Socks
Price not available
Price not available
These have a HUGE amount of great reviews, great cost men’s work socks.
Great overall budget reviewed choice for running socks at the ankle level.
21,000+ reviews at 4.7/5! Excellent reviews at a great cost, you can’t go wrong.
2,500+ reviews at 4.5/5! Excellent reviews and specifically designed for moisture wicking, great company.
Not much downsides, some durability concerns, but these seem to be overblown.
Shoe ankle socks can curl. Fabric is thin.
Crucial Tips:
Make sure to keep your shoes clean as well with antifungal sprays. Combine with clean shoes.
This is thin fabric, while is does wick moisture well, this can make it fall apart faster. It also gives less cushion.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Men’s Anti-Sweat & Anti-Fungus Socks
Best Budget & Well Reviewed Moisture Wicking Socks
Dickies Men's Dri-tech Moisture Control Crew Socks Multipack
Price not available
These have a HUGE amount of great reviews, great cost men’s work socks.
21,000+ reviews at 4.7/5! Excellent reviews at a great cost, you can’t go wrong.
Not much downsides, some durability concerns, but these seem to be overblown.
Crucial Tips:
Make sure to keep your shoes clean as well with antifungal sprays. Combine with clean shoes.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Men’s Anti-Sweat & Anti-Fungus Socks
Best ankle sock length Men’s running socks, moisture wicking.
Saucony Men's Multi-pack Mesh Ventilating Comfort Fit Performance No-Show Socks
Price not available
Great overall budget reviewed choice for running socks at the ankle level.
2,500+ reviews at 4.5/5! Excellent reviews and specifically designed for moisture wicking, great company.
Shoe ankle socks can curl. Fabric is thin.
Crucial Tips:
This is thin fabric, while is does wick moisture well, this can make it fall apart faster. It also gives less cushion.
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Recommended foot fungus products:

  • It is also essential to fix your foot fungus.
  • Even if you cure your toenail fungus, keep your toenails trimmed in healthy: your foot fungus can spread back into toenails.
  • It’s not a far journey from skin fungus to jump onto your toenails again.
  • So make sure you treat your foot fungus, as well as your toenail fungus.

Best Foot Fungus Products
Best Fungus Combo (Foot Soak, Body Wash & Toe Ointment)
Best Foot Powder Option For Shoes.
Best Shower Body Wash
Best choice for Foot Bath Mix
Best & Most Cost Effective Foot Soak Tub.
3 in 1 Professional Foot Spa Kit-with Tea Tree Foot & Body Soak-Tea Tree Body Wash & Nail Blend-Soothes Dry, Burning & Itchy Skin-Refreshes Unwanted Foot Odor-Restores Unhealthy Nails-Purely Northwest
Lotrimin Athlete's Foot Deodorant Antifungal Powder Spray, Miconazole Nitrate 2%, Clinically Proven Effective Antifungal Treatment of Most AF, Jock Itch & Ringworm, 4.6 Ounce (Pack of 3)
Purely Northwest Tea Tree Body Wash for Men and Women – Natural Tea Tree Oil Body Cleanser for Odor, Skin Irritations, Hydrating Shower Gel for Sensitive Skin, Gentle and Refreshing Body Wash
PURELY NORTHWEST-Tea Tree Oil & Peppermint Foot Soak with Epsom Salt-for Stubborn Foot Odor, Athletes Foot Burning & Itching, Damaged Discolored Nails-A Natural Callus Remover 16 Ounces
Foot Soaking Bath Basin - Large Size for Soaking Feet, Best Pedicure at Home Spa Treatment - Callus, Fungus and Dead Skin Remover, Enjoy Hot Water Foot Massager, Scrubbing in This Tub/Bucket - Gray
Price not available
This is almost everything you need for foot fungus! This has a foot soak powder, body wash for showering and toenail ointment.
3 pack of foot powder spray. This is great for shoes and feet, but not as practical outside the foot or shoe.
Great cost effective shower wash.
Mix of epsom salts, tea tree oil for a good price.
This is a cost effective tub for foot soaks. You still need to also buy a foot soak powder or solution!
Great cost ($50+ separately), $29 in the bundle. Tea tree oil has proven antifungal benefits. Excellent reviews and good overall cost value.
If you sweat in your shoes, this is your best bet. This will soak up sweat and kill fungus. Very effective and excellent Amazon reviews. 3 pack online is the price of one bottle at the store.
Over 5,000 5 star amazon reviews. Great reviews, medically proven component in tea tree oil. All natural with excellent results.
Epsom salts and tea tree oil have proven effect. Epsom salts make your loose skin flake off and tea tree oil is anti-fungal. Great price and near 5 star review on Amazon.
Excellent choice for cost effective foot soak tub. Top notch reviews on amazon, great price.
The combo could be more than you need. You still need a foot bath tub.
Powder makes a big mess. Good for shoes but it can get powder inside your shoes. Can have chemical like smell.
Can be more expensive than regular soap. It may not be enough by itself without soaking or especially further toenail treatment.
Foot soak by itself may not be enough to fix your problem, but a component. You also need a foot tub.
Not much downsides, it’s a tub! But you have to get foot soak powder or antifungal solution separately.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Foot Fungus Products
Best Fungus Combo (Foot Soak, Body Wash & Toe Ointment)
3 in 1 Professional Foot Spa Kit-with Tea Tree Foot & Body Soak-Tea Tree Body Wash & Nail Blend-Soothes Dry, Burning & Itchy Skin-Refreshes Unwanted Foot Odor-Restores Unhealthy Nails-Purely Northwest
Price not available
This is almost everything you need for foot fungus! This has a foot soak powder, body wash for showering and toenail ointment.
Great cost ($50+ separately), $29 in the bundle. Tea tree oil has proven antifungal benefits. Excellent reviews and good overall cost value.
The combo could be more than you need. You still need a foot bath tub.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Foot Fungus Products
Best Foot Powder Option For Shoes.
Lotrimin Athlete's Foot Deodorant Antifungal Powder Spray, Miconazole Nitrate 2%, Clinically Proven Effective Antifungal Treatment of Most AF, Jock Itch & Ringworm, 4.6 Ounce (Pack of 3)
3 pack of foot powder spray. This is great for shoes and feet, but not as practical outside the foot or shoe.
If you sweat in your shoes, this is your best bet. This will soak up sweat and kill fungus. Very effective and excellent Amazon reviews. 3 pack online is the price of one bottle at the store.
Powder makes a big mess. Good for shoes but it can get powder inside your shoes. Can have chemical like smell.
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Best Foot Fungus Products
Best Shower Body Wash
Purely Northwest Tea Tree Body Wash for Men and Women – Natural Tea Tree Oil Body Cleanser for Odor, Skin Irritations, Hydrating Shower Gel for Sensitive Skin, Gentle and Refreshing Body Wash
Great cost effective shower wash.
Over 5,000 5 star amazon reviews. Great reviews, medically proven component in tea tree oil. All natural with excellent results.
Can be more expensive than regular soap. It may not be enough by itself without soaking or especially further toenail treatment.
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Best Foot Fungus Products
Best choice for Foot Bath Mix
PURELY NORTHWEST-Tea Tree Oil & Peppermint Foot Soak with Epsom Salt-for Stubborn Foot Odor, Athletes Foot Burning & Itching, Damaged Discolored Nails-A Natural Callus Remover 16 Ounces
Mix of epsom salts, tea tree oil for a good price.
Epsom salts and tea tree oil have proven effect. Epsom salts make your loose skin flake off and tea tree oil is anti-fungal. Great price and near 5 star review on Amazon.
Foot soak by itself may not be enough to fix your problem, but a component. You also need a foot tub.
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Best Foot Fungus Products
Best & Most Cost Effective Foot Soak Tub.
Foot Soaking Bath Basin - Large Size for Soaking Feet, Best Pedicure at Home Spa Treatment - Callus, Fungus and Dead Skin Remover, Enjoy Hot Water Foot Massager, Scrubbing in This Tub/Bucket - Gray
This is a cost effective tub for foot soaks. You still need to also buy a foot soak powder or solution!
Excellent choice for cost effective foot soak tub. Top notch reviews on amazon, great price.
Not much downsides, it’s a tub! But you have to get foot soak powder or antifungal solution separately.
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Get The Best Shoes:

  • You definitely want to get great shoes and sandals for your toenail fungus and foot fungus.
  • Specifically, when you are in a communal shower or pool, you want to get a good pair of sandals. We compiled a great list of our recommended orthotic flip-flops.
  • You also want to get new breathable shoes that are not covered in sweat and mesh around the toes.
  • Specifically, good pairs of running shoes have a mesh where your toes are. This prevents your toenails from rubbing and prevents them from dreaming on the front of the foot.
  • Click on the below link to see which shoes we recommend for your toenail fungus and foot fungus.

Best Podiatrist Recommended Shoes

Toenail Pain [Toenail Fungus, Ingrown Toenails, Discolored Toenails]