Top of the Foot Pain:

Do you have a Bump on Top of the Foot? [Hard, Painful or Bone Bump]

Do you have a hard bump on top of the foot or a painful bone bump on top of the foot? We go over the causes & BEST Treatments of these bumps!


  • Do you have a hard bump on top of the foot?
  • A bone bump on top of the foot?
  • Or itchy red bumps on top of the foot?

We go over the causes and BEST Treatments!

Bump Or Lump On Top Of Foot: Causes, Symptoms & Best Treatment!

Bump on Top of My Foot Causes & Best Treatment Video Summary:

🦶Do you have a bump on top of the foot pain? Do you have lumps, cysts, or hard bumps that feel like bone? We’ve got you covered with a top 5 list of top of the foot pain causes.🦶

  • The most common top of the foot pain causes are bone spurs & foot spurs on the top of the foot, ganglion cysts, nerve pain, the big toe joint arthritis, and top of the foot arthritis and nerve pain.
  • Top of the foot pain is related to dorsal compression syndrome and related to plantar fasciitis.
  • It is also possible to have top of the foot spurs causing the top of the foot tendonitis.
  • So get your top-of-the-foot pain treatment right HERE! Top of the foot pain is also called dorsal foot pain or a top of the foot spur.

Hard Bump on Top of the Foot Causes:

These are the most common causes of a hard bump on top of the foot:

High Arched Foot:

  • The most common cause of people feeling a hard bump on top of their foot is that they have a high arch. 
  • A high arch puts pressure underneath the ball of the foot and the heel, and it creates a point along the middle of the foot like a triangle.
  • People with a high arched foot are more likely to have prominent bone on top of the foot. 
  • In most people, this does not mean that anything is wrong, but it does mean that the top of the foot will rub more against their shoe.
  • A high arched foot is also known as a cavus foot. 
  • Our favorite treatments for cavus foot type are orthotics in great shoes.

We go over our favorite top-of-the-foot pain shoes below!

bone bump on top of foot

Bone Spur to the top of the Foot:

  • People who develop a bone spur on top of the foot are likely older and have an extremely high arched foot. 
  • We see this most commonly in people who have a high arched foot and are usually over at least 50 or 60 years old.
  •  This is also common in people who broke their foot had some injury like a Lisfranc fracture.
  •  Most people see that her concern about a bone spur can improve with orthotics and good shoes like those from below.

Itchy Bumps on Top of the Foot:

  • Itchy bumps on top of the foot are quite common in runners who have to rub on top of the foot with shoes. 
  • This is also common in people who have hair or irritation on top of the foot. 
  • If you have small itchy bumps on top of the foot, this is likely a skin irritation against the top of your shoe. 
  • One of the best ways to solve this problem is to change the laces on top of your shoe to prevent this rubbing.

Red Bumps on Top of the Foot:

  • This is remarkably similar to the itchy bumps on top of the foot.
  •  If you develop red bumps on top of the foot, this is likely ingrown hair or rubbing against the laces on top of your shoe. 
  • Small red bumps on top of the foot are in irritation, likely is a combination of sweat and rubbing against the shoe material. 
  • Consult with a podiatrist, but a steroid or hydrocortisone cream can sometimes be beneficial.
  • But first, identify the root cause of why the rubbing is developing.

Swollen Bumps on Top of the Foot:

  • One of the most common causes of swollen bumps on top of the foot is an underlying prominent bone formation but then rubs and swells even more.
  •  If this is a small swollen bump on top of the foot, it is likely to be skin irritation from rubbing, sweat, or ingrown hair.
  •  If it is one large bony bump on top of the swollen foot, this is likely a biomechanical injury that could be helped more with a better, more supportive pair of shoes and orthotics. 
  • We go over our best shoes for the top of the foot pain and the best orthotics for the top foot pain below.

Small bumps on Top of Foot:

  • If you have small bumps on top of the foot, this is likely a skin condition from rubbing against the top of the shoe.  It is quite common we see this a lot in her office. 
  • The easiest thing to do is change the laces on top of the shoe to prevent future rubbing, controlling sweat better, or applying hydrocortisone or cortisone cream from your podiatrist if it is not getting better.
  •   In some rare cases, a skin biopsy is possible if there is a concern for a more significant skin condition.

The bony bump on top of foot:

  • A bony bump on top of the foot is usually a normal finding, but it can cause a lot of pain.
  •  It is unlikely that it is a break or bone spur in most people.  In people who have a high arched foot, it can be quite common to develop this type of bone bump.
  • If there is a concern for a fracture or bone spur, the best thing to do is to check with your podiatrist and get an x-ray to make sure nothing bad is happening to the top of the foot.

Hard bump on top of the foot after injury:

  • A hard bump on top of the foot after an injury can be more concerning. 
  • If this bump was not there before the injury, this might be arthritis or bone spur developing.
  •  This might mean a crack through the cartilage or an uneven surface on top of the foot. 
  • This is usually correctable without surgery by stretching out the Achilles tendon and plantar fascia through the leg.
  •  On the other hand, if an x-ray did show damage, this may be more permanent arthritis that may require other forms of treatment. 
  • The best way to confirm this is to check with your podiatrist.

Bone bump on top of foot bone spur:

  • Do you have a bone bump on top of the foot that is a bone spur?
  • This is most common in people aged 65 or older or with people who have had an injury to the top of the foot. 
  • If you had a Lisfranc injury or Lisfranc fracture, this might be because of bone damage. 
  • Osteoarthritis occurs if there is a fracture or cracks through the cartilage, this creates an uneven surface that creates rubbing.

Top of the foot pain causes:

dorsal foot pain treatment

Top of the Foot Pain Picture Gallery:

The most common causes of top of the foot pain:

So, let’s look at the PICTURES!

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Frequently Asked Questions:

Do you have a hard bump or painful bump on top of the foot? These are the most frequently asked questions.

bump on top of foot

What causes a bump on the top of your foot?

  • The most common causes are dorsal compression syndrome.
  • This means the top of the foot squeezes, and the top stretches.
  • This makes the bone feel more prominent. This eventually gets more swollen.

Can I pop bump on top of my foot?

  • If the bump on top of your foot is a ganglion cyst, a podiatrist can help you drain it.
  • But if it is a bone bump, it is generally not good to pop that bump.
  • At the same time, it is a good idea to get a biopsy of this fluid.
  • There is always a chance that it could be something more dangerous. But do not get too scared.
  • It is extremely rare for this to be cancerous or dangerous.

What causes a bump on top of the foot?

The most common cause is having a high arch foot and developing something called dorsal compression syndrome.

What is the bump on the top of my foot?

  • These bumps are usually normal formation to the top of the foot.
  • We go over the most common causes of the above.
  • Large bony bumps are usually secondary to dorsal compression syndrome pain.

Do stress fractures on top of the foot have a bump?

  • A stress fracture can cause a bump on top of your foot.
  • Stress fractures occur most commonly in the second or fourth metatarsals.
  • This is generally in the middle of the metatarsals, and this is away from where worsens people feel top of the foot pain.

Can grass cause bumps on the top of your foot?

  • Grass can cause contact dermatitis or irritation.
  • This can cause small itchy red bumps to occur.
  • Usually, cleaning this off or using a podiatrist prescribed steroid cream can help.

Can acne cause the bumps on top of my foot?

  • Acne-like formation on top of the foot can be due to contact dermatitis.
  • This is usually due to sweat or ingrown hair.

Best Shoes for Top of the Foot Pain:

Click if you want the best shoes for top of the foot pain!

Best Orthotics for Top of the Foot Pain:

These are our favorite orthotics for top of the foot pain!