Corn Removal Surgery [Causes & Best Treatment]

95% of the time, corn removal surgery can usually be done in the office and very quickly with minimal downtime, but it does depend on the size of the corn!


How To Remove a Foot Corn or Callus [Foot Doctor Home Treatment]



Corn removal surgery can usually be done in the office and very quickly with minimal downtime. This really does depend on the size of the corn and whether it is a corn at all. Your podiatrist needs to evaluate and assess whether this is what you actually have. Read below for the actual treatment guide for corn removal surgery.


Corn Removal Surgery: Causes & Best Treatment 2019
Removal surgery can be very effective if done by a podiatrist in the office within a few minutes! This does not have to cause pain or even very much downtime at all.

2 Part for Home Treatment For Corns & Calluses

There are two + one steps to keep foot corn pain away. You have to get rid of them and then take measures to keep them away!

1) Stop Them From Appearing.


2) Removing the Actual Corn.


3) Foot Corn Removal Surgery


Preferred Toe Corn Treatment:

  • Over the Counter Salicylic Acid


Salicylic acid is aΒ β€œkeratolytic”. This means that it breaks down the protein keratin that makes up corns & calluses. It is the preferred over-the-counter treatment option if you choose to go this route.

It is very well-proven as a keratolytic for both warts and calluses. Thus it is also a great option to use for foot corns.

  • They will help the skin flake off.
  • It is usually cheap ( <$20) at any CVS or Walgreens.

These products are usually gentle and safe for most people if used as indicated:


Corn & Callus Removal Surgery Treatment
Both corns and calluses are related. A callous is a big flat buildup of hard skin in a pressure area, whereas the corn is callous built up over the sweat gland that causes a spiky prominence down into the sweat gland. Both can cause a significant amount of pain. Both can be treated very quickly in the office by a podiatrist.
  • It comes in: applicators, drops, pads & plasters.
  • It will turn the skin white.
  • This means it is dead tissue that can flake off without pain.
  • It is straightforward to scrape off now.


Take The Callus Down!


  • Use a pumice stone or an emery board.
  • Don’t scrape to the level of pain.
  • Never use something sharp at home.
  • After you get through the callus, the corn should pop out like a pebble stuck in hard skin.
  • Be careful with frail skin – especially if a diabetic or peripheral vascular disease- always see a podiatrist before using these.


  • Antibiotic Cream

  • Add any antibiotic cream if the skin is ever broken or bleeding.


Prevent New Calluses:

Get Great Orthotics:

  • These are our recommended orthotics for preventing corns and calluses.
  • Orthotics redistribute pain across the front of your foot so that you don’t rub in pressure areas.
  • Make sure you get a good pair of orthotics!


Best Full Length Orthotics:

Best Medium to Heavy Duty Heel Pain Orthotics:
Best Overall Orthotic For Everything (Medium Thick Fit)
Best Heavy Duty Orthotic (Thickest Fit)
Best SOFTER Choice For Sensitive Feet (Medium Thick Fit)
Best Women's Orthotics
PowerStep Original Insoles - Arch Pain Relief Orthotics for Tight Shoes - Foot Support for Plantar Fasciitis, Mild Pronation, Foot & Arch Pain - Shoe Inserts for All, Made in USA (M 8-8.5, F 10-10.5)
PowerStep Pinnacle Maxx Orthotic Insoles - Orthotics for Overpronation with Maximum Stability & Comfort - Firm + Flexible Angled Heel Style to Help Flat Feet - Heavy Duty Inserts (M 10-10.5, F 12)
220+ lbs Plantar Fasciitis High Arch Support Insoles Men Women - Flat Feet Orthotic Inserts Standing All Day - Work Boot Shoe Insoles - Shoe Sole Flat Foot Heavy Men
Superfeet All-Purpose Women's High Impact Support Insoles (Berry) - Trim-To-Fit Orthotic Arch Support Inserts for Women's Running Shoes - Professional Grade - Size 8.5-10 Women
Price not available
These work best in shoes with laces and running shoes. Not good for dress shoes or women's cute shoes.
Biggest and most corrective option. Only use for running shoes or work boots. Not cute shoes.
These are full length inserts, but softer. Great if you can't tolerate the firmer ones. Best for very sore and sensitive feet.
Great Support & Better Fit
Pretty much guaranteed to help you if it fits in your shoes and you give it 2 weeks to get used to. 5,000+ amazon reviews, great track record.
My personal favorite, but not for everyone. Amazing reviews over 3,500. But not for everyone. Only for bigger shoes that can fit them
They are softer and the initial break in time is AMAZING. But longer term benefits are less. >500 Almost 5 star amazon rating.
Sleek, supportive and have a better fit than the orthotics above.
Do not wear these in cute or dress shoes!
Bigger and bulkier than all the other ones. You will be dissappointed if you have a cute women's shoe or dress shoe. This is meant for running shoes and boots.
Great to start with, but don't correct long term as much as the other ones.
A little bit more expensive.
Crucial Tips:
Ease in to these, 1-2hrs a day. They are like braces for your teeth, they suck at the beginning! But they will make your feet pain free as 1-2 weeks go by. Don't give up on them after 1 or 2 days. Everyone feels off at the beginning!
This has the most correction, but hardest break in time! IF SENSITIVE, USE A SOFTER PAIR FIRST! But if you get these, you must break them in. Give it 1-2 hours a day, but then you will start to have excellent results. The bad reviews are all people who couldn't fit it into their shoes and gave up too quickly. You have been WARNED!
If you are very sore, TRY THESE FIRST! These are easiest to break in with initially. If you are very sore and rigid, don't use the heavy duty ones to start with.
These will have a harder time fitting in flats and pointed shoes.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Medium to Heavy Duty Heel Pain Orthotics:
Best Overall Orthotic For Everything (Medium Thick Fit)
PowerStep Original Insoles - Arch Pain Relief Orthotics for Tight Shoes - Foot Support for Plantar Fasciitis, Mild Pronation, Foot & Arch Pain - Shoe Inserts for All, Made in USA (M 8-8.5, F 10-10.5)
These work best in shoes with laces and running shoes. Not good for dress shoes or women's cute shoes.
Pretty much guaranteed to help you if it fits in your shoes and you give it 2 weeks to get used to. 5,000+ amazon reviews, great track record.
Do not wear these in cute or dress shoes!
Crucial Tips:
Ease in to these, 1-2hrs a day. They are like braces for your teeth, they suck at the beginning! But they will make your feet pain free as 1-2 weeks go by. Don't give up on them after 1 or 2 days. Everyone feels off at the beginning!
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Medium to Heavy Duty Heel Pain Orthotics:
Best Heavy Duty Orthotic (Thickest Fit)
PowerStep Pinnacle Maxx Orthotic Insoles - Orthotics for Overpronation with Maximum Stability & Comfort - Firm + Flexible Angled Heel Style to Help Flat Feet - Heavy Duty Inserts (M 10-10.5, F 12)
Biggest and most corrective option. Only use for running shoes or work boots. Not cute shoes.
My personal favorite, but not for everyone. Amazing reviews over 3,500. But not for everyone. Only for bigger shoes that can fit them
Bigger and bulkier than all the other ones. You will be dissappointed if you have a cute women's shoe or dress shoe. This is meant for running shoes and boots.
Crucial Tips:
This has the most correction, but hardest break in time! IF SENSITIVE, USE A SOFTER PAIR FIRST! But if you get these, you must break them in. Give it 1-2 hours a day, but then you will start to have excellent results. The bad reviews are all people who couldn't fit it into their shoes and gave up too quickly. You have been WARNED!
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Medium to Heavy Duty Heel Pain Orthotics:
Best SOFTER Choice For Sensitive Feet (Medium Thick Fit)
220+ lbs Plantar Fasciitis High Arch Support Insoles Men Women - Flat Feet Orthotic Inserts Standing All Day - Work Boot Shoe Insoles - Shoe Sole Flat Foot Heavy Men
Price not available
These are full length inserts, but softer. Great if you can't tolerate the firmer ones. Best for very sore and sensitive feet.
They are softer and the initial break in time is AMAZING. But longer term benefits are less. >500 Almost 5 star amazon rating.
Great to start with, but don't correct long term as much as the other ones.
Crucial Tips:
If you are very sore, TRY THESE FIRST! These are easiest to break in with initially. If you are very sore and rigid, don't use the heavy duty ones to start with.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Medium to Heavy Duty Heel Pain Orthotics:
Best Women's Orthotics
Superfeet All-Purpose Women's High Impact Support Insoles (Berry) - Trim-To-Fit Orthotic Arch Support Inserts for Women's Running Shoes - Professional Grade - Size 8.5-10 Women
Great Support & Better Fit
Sleek, supportive and have a better fit than the orthotics above.
A little bit more expensive.
Crucial Tips:
These will have a harder time fitting in flats and pointed shoes.
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Best Dress Shoe Orthotics:


Best Dress Shoe Orthotics:
Best Fitting Dress Shoe Orthotic (3/4")
Best Full Length Dress Orthotic.
Great Heavy Duty Insole for Men
Powerstep Signature Dress 3/4-Length Insoles – Dress Shoe Insoles for Men and Women
Powerstep Signature Dress Full-Length Insoles for Men and Women
Superfeet Casual Men's Easyfit Insoles - Comfort Shoe Inserts for Men - Anti-Fatigue Orthotic Insoles for Dress Shoes - Professional Grade - Size 7.5-9 Men
Price not available
Price not available
This is my top choice due to best fit. It is a little less supportive than full length, but fit is the key in dress shoes!
Best option if you can fit a full length orthotic. This does give you most control.
Great price and heavy duty insole for Oxford shoes.
Excellent overall fit. This will fit in almost every dress shoe. Excellent reviews and reasonable cost overall. Can't go wrong in most cases.
Great color dress option. Not the most corrective, but very color and dress appropriate. Great Reviews. Better correction and relief than the 3/4" length.
These fit in most shoes and have really good predictable results
Less correction than full length and heavy duty orthotics.
These can have a poor fit in in some shoes. If you have tight shoes, DO NOT BUY the full length orthotic! You have been warned.
They are not full length and thus do not provide as much support
Crucial Tips:
If you haven't used dress orthotics before, get this one and avoid poor fit. If you wear dress shoes every day with room, the full length might give you more support.
This is will work great in most men's shoes that are not pointy. If you have a rounded toe box, this will probably work well. If a tight shoe go with the 3/4" length.
Get these for Oxford and pointed shoes. This will provide best results.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Dress Shoe Orthotics:
Best Fitting Dress Shoe Orthotic (3/4")
Powerstep Signature Dress 3/4-Length Insoles – Dress Shoe Insoles for Men and Women
Price not available
This is my top choice due to best fit. It is a little less supportive than full length, but fit is the key in dress shoes!
Excellent overall fit. This will fit in almost every dress shoe. Excellent reviews and reasonable cost overall. Can't go wrong in most cases.
Less correction than full length and heavy duty orthotics.
Crucial Tips:
If you haven't used dress orthotics before, get this one and avoid poor fit. If you wear dress shoes every day with room, the full length might give you more support.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Dress Shoe Orthotics:
Best Full Length Dress Orthotic.
Powerstep Signature Dress Full-Length Insoles for Men and Women
Price not available
Best option if you can fit a full length orthotic. This does give you most control.
Great color dress option. Not the most corrective, but very color and dress appropriate. Great Reviews. Better correction and relief than the 3/4" length.
These can have a poor fit in in some shoes. If you have tight shoes, DO NOT BUY the full length orthotic! You have been warned.
Crucial Tips:
This is will work great in most men's shoes that are not pointy. If you have a rounded toe box, this will probably work well. If a tight shoe go with the 3/4" length.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Dress Shoe Orthotics:
Great Heavy Duty Insole for Men
Superfeet Casual Men's Easyfit Insoles - Comfort Shoe Inserts for Men - Anti-Fatigue Orthotic Insoles for Dress Shoes - Professional Grade - Size 7.5-9 Men
Great price and heavy duty insole for Oxford shoes.
These fit in most shoes and have really good predictable results
They are not full length and thus do not provide as much support
Crucial Tips:
Get these for Oxford and pointed shoes. This will provide best results.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):


Best 3/4 Length Orthotics:


Best Flat Shoe (Non-Lace Up) Orthotics:
Best Choice For Tight Women's Shoes or High Heels..
Powerstep SlenderFit Fashion Orthotic-W
Price not available
These are the best fitting for the most narrow shoes. Some but not great correction.
They will fit in even the tightest shoes! Guaranteed to make you feel better, but you know what you are getting in a tight shoes. Great reviews and price.
At the end of the day high heels and slender orthotics help, but never cure all your pain. Make the best of a painful shoe!
Crucial Tips:
**WARNING***: If your shoe almost just barely fits onto your foot, this WILL NOT FIT! Be aware, it still needs a small amount of space to fit.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Flat Shoe (Non-Lace Up) Orthotics:
Best Choice For Tight Women's Shoes or High Heels..
Powerstep SlenderFit Fashion Orthotic-W
Price not available
These are the best fitting for the most narrow shoes. Some but not great correction.
They will fit in even the tightest shoes! Guaranteed to make you feel better, but you know what you are getting in a tight shoes. Great reviews and price.
At the end of the day high heels and slender orthotics help, but never cure all your pain. Make the best of a painful shoe!
Crucial Tips:
**WARNING***: If your shoe almost just barely fits onto your foot, this WILL NOT FIT! Be aware, it still needs a small amount of space to fit.
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Get Good Shoes:

  • This guide will show you have to fit shoes properly and order online.
  • Proper fitting shoes will prevent corns and calluses from appearing.


Foot & Ankle Treatment How To Guides


For The Complete Corn Treatment Guide:

1) Stop Them From Appearing.

2) Removing the Actual Corn.

3) Foot Corn Removal Surgery