Dry Cracked Feet Remedies

Dry Cracked Feet Remedies: Learn the best proven treatments for each specific cause of dry hard skin. Start Doing Something About It TODAY!



Dry Cracked Feet Remedies:

There are essentially two causes of  severely dry cracked feet:

Part 1:Dryness, dehydration or an inflammatory condition. 

  • 2/3rds are caused by: skin conditions, irritation, dehydration, sweating disorders.
  • Inflammatory Conditions are all treated the same way, but different than fungal conditions.

Assume inflammatory causes and start treating it that way (because most will be)If it doesn’t start getting better after a week or so, it is most likely fungal irritation (no harm done) .


A) Moisturize:

-Petroleum Jelly or any other moisturizing lotion is fantastic. The goal is to let it soak in over night very regularly until you get the skin to a manageable level.

-The top of the line prescription creams are urea and lactic acid. You could probably even pick these up at a pharmacy over the counter, but save your money until these don’t work.  Aloe Vera, Cocoa Butter or Lotions + Socks also work very well.

– This will soften your calluses and hard skin all night so that they are soft and less painful in the morning. Eventually after a week or so the skin should start feeling much better.

-The more times you do this, the better your foot will feel. It will also be easier to debride the callus easier it will be to remove the callus or corn later.

-Warning: It is important to not get the lotion in between your toes, this could cause peeling.

-Combine this after a foot bath for boosted effect!


B) Soak your feet:

-Fill the foot bath with warm, but not hot water. Then and mix it in with some epsom salts (1/2 cup or as directed for you volume of water), these salts are not essential if you don’t have them.

-There is not a huge amount of data for epsom salts, but it does soak more water into the outer skin and make it softer.

-Do this while watching TV for 20-30 minutes or so.

Make sure to moisturize with a lotion after you finish your foot bath!


C) Trim the Hard Skin Down!


-After moisturizing and softening your callus or Dry Cracked Feet, use an emery board or a pumice stone to take down the excess skin.

-Emery Board or Pumice Stone works very well, they are safe and essentially pain free..

-Stop when you feel pain, but usually a callus can go down very far until you get to normal tissue.

-Never use something sharp at home.

-Don’t do this if a diabetic or if you have decreased sensation!


D) Antibiotic Cream:

-Apply an antibiotic lotion or cream if the skin is ever broken or bleeding.

-Do this if you have cracked heels as well.

-If you have diabetes or peripheral vascular disease, go see a doctor!


E) Synthetic Socks:

Dry Cracked Feet Remedies

-Cotton holds sweat and water, dehydrating your skin.

-Think about synthetic socks if you spend a good deal amount of time on your feet.



Part 2: Think Fungus!

2)If part 1 does not cause your foot to get better after a week, it may be a fungal infection.

  • 1/3rd are caused by: fungal irritation.
  • Fungal conditions are all essentially treated the same way, but different than inflammatory conditions.

If this treatment plan did not work, something more complicated is going on and you should go see your podiatrist or foot doctor.