Foot Gout Symptoms [Causes & Best Treatment &Home Remedies!]

This guide will show you the 100% best solutions for your foot gout symptoms, causes and show the best home remedies! Don’t let your gout pain get worse!

How to Cure Gout in Feet & Big Toe [Top 11 Gout Remedies & Treatments]


What Is Foot Gout?

  • Gout is a suddenly appearing (acute) attack of inflammatory arthritis (joint irritation).
  • It presents as a red hot, extremely swollen and painful big toe joint.
  • If you are experiencing your 1st case of gout, it usually hits the big toe!


Gout in Big Toe, Foot, Ankle or Knee: Gouty Tophus
This is an example of a gouty tophus in the big toe joint. We find that almost all gout that we see is in the big toe joint. This is a very rapid onset overnight. A podiatrist can help you get rid of this pain as quickly as possible!

Foot Gout Causes:

  • There is a chemical compound in your blood called uric acid that can deposit in a joint.
  • The uric acid can crystal, deposit in the joints, tendons and surrounding tissues.
  • It causes extreme pain until the blood is able to flush it out over a 1-2 day period.
  • Gout has become very common in the modern world as we all develop more “rich” diets! It was historically known as “the disease of kings”.
  • There is approximately 5 million in the USA currently experiencing this disease.


gout on top of the foot, toe foot heel ankle knee

Gout appears in the big toe joint overnight 90% of the time.


Foot Gout Symptoms:

Foot gout usually presents as a quickly on setting arthritis. This means that it does not develop as gradual pain over a series of weeks or even days like normal arthritis. It usually appears very quickly and the victim wakes up with extreme pain!


The classical symptoms are:

  • Joint pain usually begins over 2-4 hrs over night!
  • A very red or purple big toe joint.
  • Extremely painful big toe joint.
  • It hurts less as you elevate it up in the air (raise it on a stool while sitting on the couch.)
  • It then hurts more when you lower it to the floor.
  • Uric acid levels (which cause gout), could also cause other problems. These include tophi (hard & painlesscrystal deposits in the skin), or kidney problems.


chronic goutaceous tophi in the big toe joint
This is a very advanced case of gout with goutaceous tophi. In chronic gout the patient can build up a large amount of white crystal like substance inside the joint. This leads to a large amount of pain, and takes a very long time to go way.


Foot Gout Home Treatment:

  • There are some really well rated supplements and natural treatment methods listed below.
  • Just be aware that you should get your gout checked out by a podiatrist to be 100% sure!
  • We find that gout is one of the most misdiagnosed conditions by patients.
  • Be aware that you make have arthritis or even a broken bone that could be getting worse!


Best Gout Supplements:

  • Use these at your own risk, but they do have great reviews!
  • The studies are not definitive on supplements, but people are very loyal to these.
  • Read the reviews on Amazon and give them a try.
  • Just make sure to check with your podiatrist before taking any medications!


Gout Supplements & Medication
Top rated gout specific cream on Amazon
Top rated cherry concentrate supplement.
Great Tumeric based anti-arthritis supplement.
Top rated overall Amazon anti-arthritis topical cream.
Gout and You Relief Cream for Joint Discomfort, Flare-Ups, Tendon - Fast Acting Muscle Ache Relieving Rub with Arnica/Ilex Leaf Extract, Aloe Vera and Tea Tree Oil
Sports Research Tart Cherry Concentrate - Made from Montmorency Tart Cherries - Non-GMO & Gluten Free (60 Liquid Softgels)
Turmeric Supplement - High Potency Turmeric Curcumin Supplement with 1200 mg Organic Tumeric and 95% Curcuminoids. Curcumin Supplements with Black Pepper for Immune & Joint Health. 60 Curcuma Capsules
Penetrex Joint & Muscle Therapy - Soothing Comfort for Back, Neck, Hands, Feet - Premium Whole Body Rub with Arnica, Vitamin B6 MSM & Boswellia - Non-Greasy 4oz Cream
There are not many topical gout specific relief creams. This is the one with best results!
This has 3,000+ near 5 star reviews, there are some studies there supporting it.
Top rate Tumeric based arthritis supplement, About 3,000 near 5 star reviews on Amazon.
Top rated overall arthritis topical cream. Over 30,000+ near 5 star reviews between all sizes!
Excellent overall reviews, not much other options for specific gout designed creams.
Great overall reviews, good reviews, people swear by this.
This is one that patients definitely swear by. The reviews are excellent near 5 star levels with thousands of reviews.
Some of the best overall reviews on Amazon in total, long track record, lots of loyal followers.
The scientific literature is not very strong regarding these creams.
The results are not thought to be instantaneous, like most supplements, the evidence is not overwhelming.
Like most supplements, the studies are not overwhelming, but there is some evidence for sure.
This is not gout specific, this is overall arthritis specific.
Important Tips:
Use these at your own risk, these are anti-inflammatory creams with great reviews, but not strong scientific literature!
Make sure you read the reviews and do your research, but they do have great overall results with many people that swear by it!
Some patients swear by this stuff, there is mixed evidence, but if you are in severe pain and trust the reviews, it can help!
Like any natural supplement, the research is lacking, do your own research and check with your doctor!
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Gout Supplements & Medication
Top rated gout specific cream on Amazon
Gout and You Relief Cream for Joint Discomfort, Flare-Ups, Tendon - Fast Acting Muscle Ache Relieving Rub with Arnica/Ilex Leaf Extract, Aloe Vera and Tea Tree Oil
There are not many topical gout specific relief creams. This is the one with best results!
Excellent overall reviews, not much other options for specific gout designed creams.
The scientific literature is not very strong regarding these creams.
Important Tips:
Use these at your own risk, these are anti-inflammatory creams with great reviews, but not strong scientific literature!
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Gout Supplements & Medication
Top rated cherry concentrate supplement.
Sports Research Tart Cherry Concentrate - Made from Montmorency Tart Cherries - Non-GMO & Gluten Free (60 Liquid Softgels)
This has 3,000+ near 5 star reviews, there are some studies there supporting it.
Great overall reviews, good reviews, people swear by this.
The results are not thought to be instantaneous, like most supplements, the evidence is not overwhelming.
Important Tips:
Make sure you read the reviews and do your research, but they do have great overall results with many people that swear by it!
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Gout Supplements & Medication
Great Tumeric based anti-arthritis supplement.
Turmeric Supplement - High Potency Turmeric Curcumin Supplement with 1200 mg Organic Tumeric and 95% Curcuminoids. Curcumin Supplements with Black Pepper for Immune & Joint Health. 60 Curcuma Capsules
Top rate Tumeric based arthritis supplement, About 3,000 near 5 star reviews on Amazon.
This is one that patients definitely swear by. The reviews are excellent near 5 star levels with thousands of reviews.
Like most supplements, the studies are not overwhelming, but there is some evidence for sure.
Important Tips:
Some patients swear by this stuff, there is mixed evidence, but if you are in severe pain and trust the reviews, it can help!
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Gout Supplements & Medication
Top rated overall Amazon anti-arthritis topical cream.
Penetrex Joint & Muscle Therapy - Soothing Comfort for Back, Neck, Hands, Feet - Premium Whole Body Rub with Arnica, Vitamin B6 MSM & Boswellia - Non-Greasy 4oz Cream
Top rated overall arthritis topical cream. Over 30,000+ near 5 star reviews between all sizes!
Some of the best overall reviews on Amazon in total, long track record, lots of loyal followers.
This is not gout specific, this is overall arthritis specific.
Important Tips:
Like any natural supplement, the research is lacking, do your own research and check with your doctor!
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):


Control Inflammation:

  • The best options are to see your podiatrist.
  • Gout is best served with good medications like colchicine or even oral steroids.
  • But make sure your doctor evaluates your gout and makes sure that is what it is!
  • Consider the following options at your own risk!



  • Motrin, Ibuprofen or even indomethacin can work great.
  • If you know a podiatrist, have them send you an oral steroid if possible.
  • Make sure you see your podiatrist first before taking medications!


Elevate your foot:

  • The more you can elevate your foot, the less blood flow will rush to the site.
  • This should really help reduce the pain.

Massage & Ice Products:

  • Icing can be done at home almost immediately.
  • Get yourself a cloth and use it around a frozen bag of peas or ice.
  • Apply this for your foot 20 minutes at a time.


Best Foot & Ankle Manual Massage Devices:
Best Premium Massage Roller
Most Cost Effective Massage Roller.
Cost Effective Freezable Massage Roller.
Recoup Fitness Cryosphere Cold Massage Roller - 6 Hours Cold Relief - Ice Cup - Myofascial Release- Great for Recovery - Free Rolling Removable Ball - Deep Tissue Massage - Pain Relief - Ice Pack
TheraFlow Compact Foot Roller for Plantar Fasciitis Relief | Relaxing Gifts for Mom and Dad - Portable, Small Tool for Deep Tissue Massage and Neuropathy | Travel Size Feet Massager for Relaxation
THERABAND Foot Roller for Foot Relief, Massage Ball Roller for Arch Discomfort, Plantar Fasciitis Treatment, Heel Spurs Reliever, Tired Feet, Best Foot Massager with Ridges for Self Myofascial Release
Price not available
Premium freezable metal ball that stays cold for up to 6 hours. Great for plantar fascia, neck, shoulders and calf muscles.
Amazing Price, Great Reviews - Non-Freezable Massage Rolling Stick
Great price and it is freezable. Budget friendly freezable massage roller.
Great reviews - near 5 star. Stays cold for a long time with deep penetrating plantar fascia massage. Used by professional athletes. Stays cold for HOURS!
Great for what it does. You roll it back and forth along your plantar fascia massaging the swelling and irritation out. Decreases pain. Thousands of 5 star reviews on Amazon.
Excellent reviews. It massages and ices, so it is a step up over the massage rollers. Near 5 star reviews with >500 reviews.
More expensive than some of the other options, but near perfect reviews.
Is not freezable like the other two options. Massaging a sore muscle without the cold sensation can be very painful and render it useless to you if really sore.
It does a great job doing what it is supposed to do. Main downside is that it does not stay cold as long as the premium metal ball.
Important Tips:
Use it with a sock to start (could be too cold). Massaging and icing definitely loosens you up and makes you feel better, but you still have to prevent the pain in the first place. You still need stretching, orthotics and good shoes to prevent the initial damage.
Two things: Without the freezing component, it may be really painful for a very sore arch (So make sure to use ICE also). Also this only reduces pain, it does not stop the cause! You still need good orthotics, shoes and stretching to stop the pain in the first place!
Start with socks at first, especially if you have peripheral neuropathy => don't freeze your foot! Remember that you still need good orthotics, good shoes and inserts as well as temporary activity reduction.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Foot & Ankle Manual Massage Devices:
Best Premium Massage Roller
Recoup Fitness Cryosphere Cold Massage Roller - 6 Hours Cold Relief - Ice Cup - Myofascial Release- Great for Recovery - Free Rolling Removable Ball - Deep Tissue Massage - Pain Relief - Ice Pack
Price not available
Premium freezable metal ball that stays cold for up to 6 hours. Great for plantar fascia, neck, shoulders and calf muscles.
Great reviews - near 5 star. Stays cold for a long time with deep penetrating plantar fascia massage. Used by professional athletes. Stays cold for HOURS!
More expensive than some of the other options, but near perfect reviews.
Important Tips:
Use it with a sock to start (could be too cold). Massaging and icing definitely loosens you up and makes you feel better, but you still have to prevent the pain in the first place. You still need stretching, orthotics and good shoes to prevent the initial damage.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Foot & Ankle Manual Massage Devices:
Most Cost Effective Massage Roller.
TheraFlow Compact Foot Roller for Plantar Fasciitis Relief | Relaxing Gifts for Mom and Dad - Portable, Small Tool for Deep Tissue Massage and Neuropathy | Travel Size Feet Massager for Relaxation
Amazing Price, Great Reviews - Non-Freezable Massage Rolling Stick
Great for what it does. You roll it back and forth along your plantar fascia massaging the swelling and irritation out. Decreases pain. Thousands of 5 star reviews on Amazon.
Is not freezable like the other two options. Massaging a sore muscle without the cold sensation can be very painful and render it useless to you if really sore.
Important Tips:
Two things: Without the freezing component, it may be really painful for a very sore arch (So make sure to use ICE also). Also this only reduces pain, it does not stop the cause! You still need good orthotics, shoes and stretching to stop the pain in the first place!
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Foot & Ankle Manual Massage Devices:
Cost Effective Freezable Massage Roller.
THERABAND Foot Roller for Foot Relief, Massage Ball Roller for Arch Discomfort, Plantar Fasciitis Treatment, Heel Spurs Reliever, Tired Feet, Best Foot Massager with Ridges for Self Myofascial Release
Great price and it is freezable. Budget friendly freezable massage roller.
Excellent reviews. It massages and ices, so it is a step up over the massage rollers. Near 5 star reviews with >500 reviews.
It does a great job doing what it is supposed to do. Main downside is that it does not stay cold as long as the premium metal ball.
Important Tips:
Start with socks at first, especially if you have peripheral neuropathy => don't freeze your foot! Remember that you still need good orthotics, good shoes and inserts as well as temporary activity reduction.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):


Menthol Based Gels:

  • Biofreeze is one of our favorites.
  • These gels have been studied to work 2x as long as ice.


Best Foot & Ankle Muscle/Ligament Pain Relief Products
Best & Proven Pain Relieving Gel.
Roll On Version of Biofreeze Gel.
A giant container of value size biofreeze.
Menthol Based Ointment with Hemp Extract
Biofreeze Pain Relief Gel, Arthritis Pain Reliver, Knee & Lower Back Pain Relief, Sore Muscle Relief, Neck Pain Relief, Pharmacist Recommended, FSA Eligible, 3 Pack (4 FL OZ Biofreeze Menthol Gel)
Biofreeze Pain Relief Roll-On, 3 oz. Roll-On, Fast Acting, Long Lasting, & Powerful Topical Pain Reliever, Pack of 3 (Packaging May Vary)
Biofreeze Menthol Pain Relieving Gel 1 Gallon Bottle With Pump Topical Pain Relief For Sore Muscles, Arthritis, Backache, And Joint Pain, Original Green Formula, (Packaging May Vary)
HEMPACTIV Muscle Soothing Cream, Infused with Hemp, Menthol, MSM & Arnica, Soothe and Cooling for Your Back, Muscles, Neck, Shoulder, Knee - 2 Fl Oz
Price not available
Price not available
The Proven and Scientifically Published Menthol Based Gel
Same as biofreeze gel, but the roll-on is prefered by some people for their feet, less messy.
8.1 lbs(3.67 kg) of Value Sized Biofreeze!
This is an alternative cream: Basically Biofreeze + hemp extract.
Scientifically proven to loosen up and relief pain up to 2x longer than Ice. Less effort than ice and great reviews. 900+ 5 star reviews on Amazon.
The roll-on application of this biofreeze can be easier to apply. Less overall mess.
If you know you already love it and trust the reviews. This is a great value that lasts a long time.
It has great reviews, loved by the all natural crowd. 100s of 5 star reviews with a near perfect rating.
Don't put this on open sores or mucous membranes, it will burn! It can run out quick and doesn't prevent pain, just helps it.
Not as easy to spread in other areas, main difference is the roll on applicator, same solution.
A gigantic bottle that could fall over and injure you! Seriously this could be too big in some situations.
Basically looks like menthol(active Biofreeze ingredient), but with hemp extract SKYROCKETING the price.
Important Tips:
Menthol is the active ingredient in this and other hemp based creams. It works similar to ice, but once you apply it you can just move on rather than waiting 20 minutes. **Works great to get your through the night if you have pain sleeping**
Roll-on method is best for the bottom of the feet. No other real advantage. Most patients like it prior to bed for easy sleeping without foot pain.
If you know you love it, this stuff works all over the sore areas in your body not just your foot. I have had many people get me to order this for them in the past and LOVED IT!
The hemp extract is almost nothing and likely a marketing gimmick. It's basically Biofreeze with some hemp extract raising the price.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Foot & Ankle Muscle/Ligament Pain Relief Products
Best & Proven Pain Relieving Gel.
Biofreeze Pain Relief Gel, Arthritis Pain Reliver, Knee & Lower Back Pain Relief, Sore Muscle Relief, Neck Pain Relief, Pharmacist Recommended, FSA Eligible, 3 Pack (4 FL OZ Biofreeze Menthol Gel)
Price not available
The Proven and Scientifically Published Menthol Based Gel
Scientifically proven to loosen up and relief pain up to 2x longer than Ice. Less effort than ice and great reviews. 900+ 5 star reviews on Amazon.
Don't put this on open sores or mucous membranes, it will burn! It can run out quick and doesn't prevent pain, just helps it.
Important Tips:
Menthol is the active ingredient in this and other hemp based creams. It works similar to ice, but once you apply it you can just move on rather than waiting 20 minutes. **Works great to get your through the night if you have pain sleeping**
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Foot & Ankle Muscle/Ligament Pain Relief Products
Roll On Version of Biofreeze Gel.
Biofreeze Pain Relief Roll-On, 3 oz. Roll-On, Fast Acting, Long Lasting, & Powerful Topical Pain Reliever, Pack of 3 (Packaging May Vary)
Same as biofreeze gel, but the roll-on is prefered by some people for their feet, less messy.
The roll-on application of this biofreeze can be easier to apply. Less overall mess.
Not as easy to spread in other areas, main difference is the roll on applicator, same solution.
Important Tips:
Roll-on method is best for the bottom of the feet. No other real advantage. Most patients like it prior to bed for easy sleeping without foot pain.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Foot & Ankle Muscle/Ligament Pain Relief Products
A giant container of value size biofreeze.
Biofreeze Menthol Pain Relieving Gel 1 Gallon Bottle With Pump Topical Pain Relief For Sore Muscles, Arthritis, Backache, And Joint Pain, Original Green Formula, (Packaging May Vary)
Price not available
8.1 lbs(3.67 kg) of Value Sized Biofreeze!
If you know you already love it and trust the reviews. This is a great value that lasts a long time.
A gigantic bottle that could fall over and injure you! Seriously this could be too big in some situations.
Important Tips:
If you know you love it, this stuff works all over the sore areas in your body not just your foot. I have had many people get me to order this for them in the past and LOVED IT!
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Foot & Ankle Muscle/Ligament Pain Relief Products
Menthol Based Ointment with Hemp Extract
HEMPACTIV Muscle Soothing Cream, Infused with Hemp, Menthol, MSM & Arnica, Soothe and Cooling for Your Back, Muscles, Neck, Shoulder, Knee - 2 Fl Oz
This is an alternative cream: Basically Biofreeze + hemp extract.
It has great reviews, loved by the all natural crowd. 100s of 5 star reviews with a near perfect rating.
Basically looks like menthol(active Biofreeze ingredient), but with hemp extract SKYROCKETING the price.
Important Tips:
The hemp extract is almost nothing and likely a marketing gimmick. It's basically Biofreeze with some hemp extract raising the price.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):


Wait it out:

  • Take it easy that day, generally doing these things for 1-2 days will start to feel better.
  • Go see you podiatrist as soon as possible for steroids or Indomethacin if possible.
  • Make sure it’s not a different problem as well!



Control Inflammation:



  • Motrin, Ibuprofen or even indomethacin can work great.
  • If you know a podiatrist, have them send you an oral steroid if possible.
  • Make sure you see your podiatrist first before taking medications!


Elevate your foot:

  • The more you can elevate your foot, the less blood flow will rush to the site.
  • This should really help reduce the pain.

Massage & Ice Products:

  • Icing can be done at home almost immediately.
  • Get yourself a cloth and use it around a frozen bag of peas or ice.
  • Apply this for your foot 20 minutes at a time.


Best Foot & Ankle Manual Massage Devices:
Best Premium Massage Roller
Most Cost Effective Massage Roller.
Cost Effective Freezable Massage Roller.
Recoup Fitness Cryosphere Cold Massage Roller - 6 Hours Cold Relief - Ice Cup - Myofascial Release- Great for Recovery - Free Rolling Removable Ball - Deep Tissue Massage - Pain Relief - Ice Pack
TheraFlow Compact Foot Roller for Plantar Fasciitis Relief | Relaxing Gifts for Mom and Dad - Portable, Small Tool for Deep Tissue Massage and Neuropathy | Travel Size Feet Massager for Relaxation
THERABAND Foot Roller for Foot Relief, Massage Ball Roller for Arch Discomfort, Plantar Fasciitis Treatment, Heel Spurs Reliever, Tired Feet, Best Foot Massager with Ridges for Self Myofascial Release
Price not available
Premium freezable metal ball that stays cold for up to 6 hours. Great for plantar fascia, neck, shoulders and calf muscles.
Amazing Price, Great Reviews - Non-Freezable Massage Rolling Stick
Great price and it is freezable. Budget friendly freezable massage roller.
Great reviews - near 5 star. Stays cold for a long time with deep penetrating plantar fascia massage. Used by professional athletes. Stays cold for HOURS!
Great for what it does. You roll it back and forth along your plantar fascia massaging the swelling and irritation out. Decreases pain. Thousands of 5 star reviews on Amazon.
Excellent reviews. It massages and ices, so it is a step up over the massage rollers. Near 5 star reviews with >500 reviews.
More expensive than some of the other options, but near perfect reviews.
Is not freezable like the other two options. Massaging a sore muscle without the cold sensation can be very painful and render it useless to you if really sore.
It does a great job doing what it is supposed to do. Main downside is that it does not stay cold as long as the premium metal ball.
Important Tips:
Use it with a sock to start (could be too cold). Massaging and icing definitely loosens you up and makes you feel better, but you still have to prevent the pain in the first place. You still need stretching, orthotics and good shoes to prevent the initial damage.
Two things: Without the freezing component, it may be really painful for a very sore arch (So make sure to use ICE also). Also this only reduces pain, it does not stop the cause! You still need good orthotics, shoes and stretching to stop the pain in the first place!
Start with socks at first, especially if you have peripheral neuropathy => don't freeze your foot! Remember that you still need good orthotics, good shoes and inserts as well as temporary activity reduction.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Foot & Ankle Manual Massage Devices:
Best Premium Massage Roller
Recoup Fitness Cryosphere Cold Massage Roller - 6 Hours Cold Relief - Ice Cup - Myofascial Release- Great for Recovery - Free Rolling Removable Ball - Deep Tissue Massage - Pain Relief - Ice Pack
Price not available
Premium freezable metal ball that stays cold for up to 6 hours. Great for plantar fascia, neck, shoulders and calf muscles.
Great reviews - near 5 star. Stays cold for a long time with deep penetrating plantar fascia massage. Used by professional athletes. Stays cold for HOURS!
More expensive than some of the other options, but near perfect reviews.
Important Tips:
Use it with a sock to start (could be too cold). Massaging and icing definitely loosens you up and makes you feel better, but you still have to prevent the pain in the first place. You still need stretching, orthotics and good shoes to prevent the initial damage.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Foot & Ankle Manual Massage Devices:
Most Cost Effective Massage Roller.
TheraFlow Compact Foot Roller for Plantar Fasciitis Relief | Relaxing Gifts for Mom and Dad - Portable, Small Tool for Deep Tissue Massage and Neuropathy | Travel Size Feet Massager for Relaxation
Amazing Price, Great Reviews - Non-Freezable Massage Rolling Stick
Great for what it does. You roll it back and forth along your plantar fascia massaging the swelling and irritation out. Decreases pain. Thousands of 5 star reviews on Amazon.
Is not freezable like the other two options. Massaging a sore muscle without the cold sensation can be very painful and render it useless to you if really sore.
Important Tips:
Two things: Without the freezing component, it may be really painful for a very sore arch (So make sure to use ICE also). Also this only reduces pain, it does not stop the cause! You still need good orthotics, shoes and stretching to stop the pain in the first place!
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Foot & Ankle Manual Massage Devices:
Cost Effective Freezable Massage Roller.
THERABAND Foot Roller for Foot Relief, Massage Ball Roller for Arch Discomfort, Plantar Fasciitis Treatment, Heel Spurs Reliever, Tired Feet, Best Foot Massager with Ridges for Self Myofascial Release
Great price and it is freezable. Budget friendly freezable massage roller.
Excellent reviews. It massages and ices, so it is a step up over the massage rollers. Near 5 star reviews with >500 reviews.
It does a great job doing what it is supposed to do. Main downside is that it does not stay cold as long as the premium metal ball.
Important Tips:
Start with socks at first, especially if you have peripheral neuropathy => don't freeze your foot! Remember that you still need good orthotics, good shoes and inserts as well as temporary activity reduction.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):


Menthol Based Gels:

  • Biofreeze is one of our favorites.
  • These gels have been studied to work 2x as long as ice.


Best Foot & Ankle Muscle/Ligament Pain Relief Products
Best & Proven Pain Relieving Gel.
Roll On Version of Biofreeze Gel.
A giant container of value size biofreeze.
Menthol Based Ointment with Hemp Extract
Biofreeze Pain Relief Gel, Arthritis Pain Reliver, Knee & Lower Back Pain Relief, Sore Muscle Relief, Neck Pain Relief, Pharmacist Recommended, FSA Eligible, 3 Pack (4 FL OZ Biofreeze Menthol Gel)
Biofreeze Pain Relief Roll-On, 3 oz. Roll-On, Fast Acting, Long Lasting, & Powerful Topical Pain Reliever, Pack of 3 (Packaging May Vary)
Biofreeze Menthol Pain Relieving Gel 1 Gallon Bottle With Pump Topical Pain Relief For Sore Muscles, Arthritis, Backache, And Joint Pain, Original Green Formula, (Packaging May Vary)
HEMPACTIV Muscle Soothing Cream, Infused with Hemp, Menthol, MSM & Arnica, Soothe and Cooling for Your Back, Muscles, Neck, Shoulder, Knee - 2 Fl Oz
Price not available
Price not available
The Proven and Scientifically Published Menthol Based Gel
Same as biofreeze gel, but the roll-on is prefered by some people for their feet, less messy.
8.1 lbs(3.67 kg) of Value Sized Biofreeze!
This is an alternative cream: Basically Biofreeze + hemp extract.
Scientifically proven to loosen up and relief pain up to 2x longer than Ice. Less effort than ice and great reviews. 900+ 5 star reviews on Amazon.
The roll-on application of this biofreeze can be easier to apply. Less overall mess.
If you know you already love it and trust the reviews. This is a great value that lasts a long time.
It has great reviews, loved by the all natural crowd. 100s of 5 star reviews with a near perfect rating.
Don't put this on open sores or mucous membranes, it will burn! It can run out quick and doesn't prevent pain, just helps it.
Not as easy to spread in other areas, main difference is the roll on applicator, same solution.
A gigantic bottle that could fall over and injure you! Seriously this could be too big in some situations.
Basically looks like menthol(active Biofreeze ingredient), but with hemp extract SKYROCKETING the price.
Important Tips:
Menthol is the active ingredient in this and other hemp based creams. It works similar to ice, but once you apply it you can just move on rather than waiting 20 minutes. **Works great to get your through the night if you have pain sleeping**
Roll-on method is best for the bottom of the feet. No other real advantage. Most patients like it prior to bed for easy sleeping without foot pain.
If you know you love it, this stuff works all over the sore areas in your body not just your foot. I have had many people get me to order this for them in the past and LOVED IT!
The hemp extract is almost nothing and likely a marketing gimmick. It's basically Biofreeze with some hemp extract raising the price.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Foot & Ankle Muscle/Ligament Pain Relief Products
Best & Proven Pain Relieving Gel.
Biofreeze Pain Relief Gel, Arthritis Pain Reliver, Knee & Lower Back Pain Relief, Sore Muscle Relief, Neck Pain Relief, Pharmacist Recommended, FSA Eligible, 3 Pack (4 FL OZ Biofreeze Menthol Gel)
Price not available
The Proven and Scientifically Published Menthol Based Gel
Scientifically proven to loosen up and relief pain up to 2x longer than Ice. Less effort than ice and great reviews. 900+ 5 star reviews on Amazon.
Don't put this on open sores or mucous membranes, it will burn! It can run out quick and doesn't prevent pain, just helps it.
Important Tips:
Menthol is the active ingredient in this and other hemp based creams. It works similar to ice, but once you apply it you can just move on rather than waiting 20 minutes. **Works great to get your through the night if you have pain sleeping**
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Foot & Ankle Muscle/Ligament Pain Relief Products
Roll On Version of Biofreeze Gel.
Biofreeze Pain Relief Roll-On, 3 oz. Roll-On, Fast Acting, Long Lasting, & Powerful Topical Pain Reliever, Pack of 3 (Packaging May Vary)
Same as biofreeze gel, but the roll-on is prefered by some people for their feet, less messy.
The roll-on application of this biofreeze can be easier to apply. Less overall mess.
Not as easy to spread in other areas, main difference is the roll on applicator, same solution.
Important Tips:
Roll-on method is best for the bottom of the feet. No other real advantage. Most patients like it prior to bed for easy sleeping without foot pain.
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Best Foot & Ankle Muscle/Ligament Pain Relief Products
A giant container of value size biofreeze.
Biofreeze Menthol Pain Relieving Gel 1 Gallon Bottle With Pump Topical Pain Relief For Sore Muscles, Arthritis, Backache, And Joint Pain, Original Green Formula, (Packaging May Vary)
Price not available
8.1 lbs(3.67 kg) of Value Sized Biofreeze!
If you know you already love it and trust the reviews. This is a great value that lasts a long time.
A gigantic bottle that could fall over and injure you! Seriously this could be too big in some situations.
Important Tips:
If you know you love it, this stuff works all over the sore areas in your body not just your foot. I have had many people get me to order this for them in the past and LOVED IT!
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Best Foot & Ankle Muscle/Ligament Pain Relief Products
Menthol Based Ointment with Hemp Extract
HEMPACTIV Muscle Soothing Cream, Infused with Hemp, Menthol, MSM & Arnica, Soothe and Cooling for Your Back, Muscles, Neck, Shoulder, Knee - 2 Fl Oz
This is an alternative cream: Basically Biofreeze + hemp extract.
It has great reviews, loved by the all natural crowd. 100s of 5 star reviews with a near perfect rating.
Basically looks like menthol(active Biofreeze ingredient), but with hemp extract SKYROCKETING the price.
Important Tips:
The hemp extract is almost nothing and likely a marketing gimmick. It's basically Biofreeze with some hemp extract raising the price.
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Wait it out:

  • Take it easy that day, generally doing these things for 1-2 days will start to feel better.
  • Go see you podiatrist as soon as possible for steroids or Indomethacin if possible.
  • Make sure it’s not a different problem as well!



Good Luck!


Gout on top of the foot

  • Gout on top of the foot is usually in the big toe joint.