Nerve Pain Treatment
What is Grierson Gopalan Syndrome? [Causes & How to Treat IT!]
How is Grierson Gopalan Syndrome treated? We go over medications, home remedies, Vitamin B12 for burning feet and leg pain!
![Grierson Gopalan Syndrome 1 grierson gopalan syndrome treatment](
Table of Contents
What is Grierson Gopalan Syndrome?
- Grierson Gopalan Syndrome is also known as burning feet syndrome. The pain and he from burning feet syndrome can become more painful at night.
- Coluther Gopalan and J. Grierson initially coined the term, and it took on the name Grierson-Gopalan syndrome.
- Burning feet syndrome, also known as Grierson-Gopalan syndrome, is a medical condition that causes severe burning and aching of the feet, hyperesthesia, and vasomotor changes that lead to excessive sweating. It can even affect the eyes, causing scotoma and amblyopia.
- The condition occurs more frequently in women and usually manifests itself when between twenty and forty years old.
- It usually involves the bottom of the feet and can affect the top of the foot, the ankle, and even the legs.
- There is some overlap between Grierson Gopalan Syndrome and peripheral neuropathy.
Is there a Cure for Grierson Gopalan Syndrome?
- Nerve pain can be challenging to quantify and objectively measure.
- This means that there are no specific definitions of what this disease is as podiatrist’s nerve pain is one of the most common and one of the most varied problems that we see.
- We usually have success significantly improving the pain.
- But it may be challenging to eliminate it unless the patient is somehow able to get completely healthy, which unfortunately is rare as we all age.
How it Presents:
The burning &Â hot sensation is usually limited to the soles of the feet. But the sensation may extend up to the ankles or lower legs of some people.
The burning feet can sometimes be accompanied by feelings of pins and needles or tingling in the foot and ankle as well.
The burning sensation is usually felt during the night when almost all sufferers of this syndrome report the worst heat symptoms, with the condition getting better as morning comes.
Those who have psychosomatic disorders sometimes display psychological symptoms and the burning of feet associated with the syndrome.
For most, there is no redness of the skin of their feet during the heat sensations, and rarely is there accompanying tenderness along with it.
Burning Feet and Leg Syndrome Treatment Video:
This video is specific toward peripheral neuropathy, but the same treatment options can be overlapped with Grierson Gopalan Syndrome.
We also go over Grierson Gopalan Syndrome home remedies and how to treat them.
Burning Feet and Leg Syndrome Treatment Video Summary:
🦶Do you have burning legs at night or burning feet at night? We go over Grierson Gopalan Syndrome Treatments!🦶
We go over Grierson Gopalan Syndrome: The treatment of burning legs syndrome at night and burning feet syndrome at night!
NOTE: To be clear peripheral neuropathy has many different causes & can be not curable. Always see your doctor for diagnosis!
0:00 Grierson Gopalan Syndrome
0:45 What is Grierson Gopalan Syndrome
1:19 Grierson Gopalan Syndrome Treatment
2:10 Peripheral Neuropathy Burning feet at night and burning legs at night
3:10 Podiatrist for burning legs and burning feet
4:30 Diabetes with diabetic burning legs and diabetic burning feet
6:28 Back injuries and radiculopathy
7:04 Burning sensation in legs and burning sensation in feet due to athlete’s foot
8:50 Stop smoking
10:05 Alcoholic peripheral neuropathy causing burning sensation in legs and burning sensation in feet
10:58 Home Remedies for burning feet and home remedies for burning legs
11:26 Massage for burning feet and massage for burning legs
12:47 Creams and essential oils for burning feet and burning legs
14:20 Foot soaks for burning feet and burning legs
14:46 Best vitamins (B12, B6) for burning feet syndrome and burning legs syndrome
16:40 Acupuncture for burning feet syndrome and burning legs syndrome
18:30 Best medication for burning legs syndrome and burning feet syndrome
19:30 Best shoes for burning feet syndrome and burning legs syndrome
19:50 Best orthotics for burning feet syndrome and burning legs syndrome
22:00 Best exercises & physical therapy for burning feet syndrome and burning legs syndrome
Grierson Gopalan Syndrome Symptoms:
- Grierson go plan syndrome is also known as burning feet syndrome. It is usually recognized by symptoms in which the foot becomes very uncomfortable.
- This usually happens when someone sits on the couch or in bed in the foot becomes hot and painful. The burning sensation can become more intense at night but feel better during the day, especially while the blood flow moves.
- The symptoms can range from hardly anything to very severe pain and burning.
- There are very few scholarly articles on Grierson Gopalan Syndrome.
- In some cases, the bottom of the foot and the heel could form pain at the bottom of the foot, whereas in other cases, it can extend all the way up the feet, ankles, and legs.
Specific symptoms:
- Pins and needles sensation in the skin.
- You can feel like prickling or tingling.
- The skin can turn red.
- The skin can feel hot.
- The feet can feel tired and very heavy.
- There can be a sharp shooting or stabbing pain.
- You could develop a form of numbness in the feet or even extend up into the ankles and the legs.
- The heat and burning are usually worse at nighttime.
Grierson Gopalan Syndrome Causes:
Other Conditions that Cause or are Associated with Burning Sensations of the Feet
Chronic diabetes and elevated blood sugar can eventually lead to a condition called diabetic peripheral neuropathy. This can eventually cause nerve pain as well as numbness, burning, and tingling.
Hyperthyroidism can be associated with peripheral neuropathy as well. There is some overlap between burning feet and warm feet, and hyperthyroidism.
Morton’s Neuroma:
A Morton’s neuroma is a condition where there is a thickening and constriction of the nerve in her foot.
This most commonly occurs in the pace of the third web between the third and fourth toes.
Rheumatoid arthritis:
Rheumatoid arthritis is not an immune disease that can cause an onset of pain, especially in her hands and her feet.
This is not quite nerve pain, but it can lead to nerve pain.
Gout is also not an immune condition where there is a buildup of crystals in your joints. This usually happens in your big toe joint.
This is called uric acid.
We go over a great treatment guide regarding this.
Vitamin B deficiency:
Vitamin B deficiencies can be linked to peripheral neuropathy and nerve pain. Specifically, vitamin B12 can be associated with pain.
Athlete’s foot:
Athlete’s foot can cause redness to develop on the skin.
This can cause burning, numbness, and tingling. This would be a simple condition to evaluate for. This is more of a skin condition than a nerve condition. But it can cause significant nerve pain.
Foot nerve entrapment:
Foot nerve entrapments are very common.
We see Baxter’s nerve entrapment. We also see tarsal tunnel nerve pain, and we also see Morton’s neuroma nerve pain. There are many more nerve pains, but these are the 3 most common ones we see.
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Grierson Gopalan Syndrome Diagnosis:
Nerve pain and burning feet syndrome can be complicated to measure objectively. There is no agreed-upon set of criteria or threshold that will determine this nerve disease.
For this reason, you have to work with your podiatrist or neurologist to determine the exact extent of your symptoms and how much treatment you want to pursue.
These are standard diagnosis guidelines below:
Historical examination of your podiatrist:
Your podiatrist will go over your goals and what your symptoms are.
Physical examination:
Your podiatrist will test how sensitive your skin is, and any changes in reflexes were a neurological function. It is important to rule out any other problems that could be causing foot pain. In our experience, this is where we can make the most difference. There are many correctable problems beyond nerve pain that we uncovered. In our experience, this is the most common way we can help, and we routinely expect to see improvement.
Blood tests:
It is always a good idea to check a complete blood count to rule out any abnormalities in your blood serum or electrolytes. It is a good idea to check your vitamin D, your vitamin B12, your potassium sodium, and chloride levels, as well as your magnesium.
There is also a good idea to check your blood sugar level.
Nerve function testing:
This is usually not done by us as podiatrists but can be done as part of team with neurologists. We do work with a team of neurologists to perform electromyography and nerve conduction velocity testing. In an advanced disease that is not improving with more straightforward testing, this may be necessary.
Grierson Gopalan Syndrome Pictures:
Grierson Gopalan Syndrome Medication:
- Historically vitamin B12 has been a very effective treatment option for peripheral neuropathy and nerve symptoms in the feet.
- A comprehensive daily can be very effective regarding nutrient deficiencies such as B12.
- There is no specific evidence for Grierson Gopalin Syndrome and vitamin B12, but in general, this does have some overlap with peripheral neuropathy pain.
- Studies show that incorporating vitamin B and vitamin B12 in your daily multivitamin can benefit from preventing peripheral nerve disease.
- Just be aware that no specific studies are linking Grierson Gopalan Syndrome and vitamin B12.
Grierson Gopalan Syndrome Vitamin B12:
- There is strong research that Vitamin B12 can be effective for nerve disease and peripheral neuropathy.
- While not completely proven, there is probably some benefit in taking vitamin b12 for Grierson Gopalan Syndrome.
- Always check with your podiatrist for your own personal use.
Nerve Medication:
- There are nerve medication options like gabapentin or Lyrica.
- We recommend talking with your podiatrist or doctor regarding these options.
- They can be very effective, but these are considered prescription controlled substances.
Pain Medication:
- Pain medication such as narcotic medications can be very effective as well.
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Grierson Gopalan Syndrome Treatment:
Home Remedies & Prevention Options:
These are strong prevention options to think about that can practically reduce your nerve pain.
Contact dermatitis:
- It is common to have red and burning sensations in the feet secondary to an allergic reaction to socks or shoe material.
- We see is very common with sweating.
- We recommend patients sometimes change the materials in there is socks and their shoes.
- Sometimes a contact dermatitis reaction can cause numbness and burn and tingling pain.
Smoking and arterial disease:
Smoking can eventually lead to peripheral arterial disease.
- The peripheral arterial disease can lead to a condition called claudication.
- This means pain with walking or even resting at night. This means the blood flow cannot fight gravity and reach your toes; thus, the tips of your toes can ache at night time.
- We will work with the vascular surgery department at our office, and we can evaluate the patient’s blood flow objectively.
Moist conditions with rubbing:
- We frequently see numbness burning, and tingling in the feet secondary due to sweaty socks and sweaty feet.
- If your feet are standing and rubbing all day and socks that are not very supportive, this can cause skin conditions and numbness, burning, and tingling to the feet.
Get Better Socks:
- Sometimes bad sock material can cause issues to the nerve skin and foot skin.
- We recommend socks that are specifically built for handling sweat.
- We give some length to good socks!
Hot, sweaty feet:
- There is a foot condition, and hand condition called hyperhidrosis.
- These types of conditions can lead to dermatitis of the skin. Eczema and dermatitis mean inflammation of the skin.
- Sweat can do this.
- The best thing to do is to identify what is causing her skin to sweat.
- It is possible to use antiperspirants, but it is probably better to wear breathable shoes and breathable socks first.
- Check out our recommended shoe guide for good shoes and socks.
Irritating fabrics:
Treatments our podiatrists offer:
If you have numbness or burning pain at night time, our podiatrists can help!
- Toenail Fungus Treatment (Oral or Laser ).
- Toenail Trimming.
- Orthotics Fitting.
- Ingrown Toenails.
- Infected Ingrown Toenails.
- Podiatrist pedicure or medical pedicure.
- Trimming of Corns, Trimming of Calluses, and Treatment of Pressure Blisters.
- Diabetic Foot Care & Diabetic Foot Wounds.
- Athletes Foot, Dry Skin, Eczema.
- Foot & Ankle Ulcer Care.
- Infection and Abscess Care.
- Staph Infections in the Toe or Foot Treatment.
- Treatment of Plantar Warts for Your Toes and Feet.
- Foot & Ankle Injections (Steroid or Natural Solutions.)
- Management of Foot & Ankle Fractures (Walking Boots for broken toes or broken feet).
- Heel Pain (Heel Spur or Plantar Fasciitis).
- Custom Orthotics for children and adults (In the office).
- Over the Counter Orthotics for children and adults.
- Podiatrist medical pedicure.
- Extra-Depth Shoes for Patients with Diabetes.
- Diabetic Shoes.
- Gout Treatment.
- Prescription (Refills).
- Telehealth appointments.
- Shockwave therapy (AKA ESWT or EPAT therapy)
- Cold laser therapy (In the office).
- MLS laser therapy (Multi-Wave Locked System laser therapy).
- Laser for peripheral neuropathy (In-Office).
- Senior Toenail Cutting & Toenail Trimming Services.
Office surgery & procedures our podiatrists offer:
We can perform toenail, toe, foot, heel & ankle surgery in the office!
We can help with:
- Minimally invasive foot surgery.
- Minimally invasive bunion surgery.
- Minimally invasive hammertoe surgery.
- Corn and callus removal surgery.
- Plantar wart removal surgery.
- In-office permanent ingrown toenail removal surgery.
- Removal of unwanted spurs, bumps, or lumps on your feet.
- Shockwave therapy (AKA ESWT therapy or EPAT therapy)
- Cold laser therapy.
- MLS laser therapy (Multi-Wave Locked System laser therapy).
- Laser for peripheral neuropathy.
- 3D custom orthotic scan.