Hallux Valgus Interphalangeus [Causes, Symptoms & Best Treatment]
Hallux valgus interphalangeus is defined as a deformity between the long axis of distal phalanx and proximal phalanx over 10 °. This is a bunion!

Table of Contents
Bunion Pictures & Photo Gallery:
- The associated photos are pictures of bunions.
- A big toe joint bunion is a prominence of the first metatarsal phalangeal joint.
- A tailor’s bunion is the prominence of the fifth metatarsal phalangeal joint.
- There are multiple stages of bunions ranging from minimal dislocation to severe dislocation to severe dislocation with arthritis.
- It is important to note that the sesamoid bones dislocate from the big toe joint and that the bunion itself is more of a dislocation injury than an arthritic injury.
- Although we frequently see bunions that also have arthritis, and is much more likely.
- We do perform minimally invasive bunion surgery at our clinic to limit the length of recovery time needed.
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Hallux Valgus Interphalangeus Overview:

- If the first metatarsophalangeal joint(1st MPJ) is arthritic or mal-aligned in anyway, then it is possible to have arthritic damage of the hallux interphalangeus joint as well.
- It is more likely that there is increased pressure on the hallux interphalangeus joint if there is a more rectus or fused 1st MPJ joint such as post arthrodesis or hallux rigidus.
- Hallux valgus interphalangeus is the angulation of your big toe. Top causes includ #1) Big toe joint arthritis, #2) Bunion deformity & #3) Improper shoes!

- The causes of hallux about this interphalangeus are like a bunion.
- We most commonly see it develop in the hallux interphalangeal joint due to stiffness in the big toe joint.
- If patients have hallux rigidness, which is the arthritis of the big toe joint.
- It is more likely for hallux values interphalangeus to occur.
- It is more common in people with flat feet.
- It is more common in people who do not wear supportive shoes.
- It is more common in people with ankle joint tightness.

- The big toe joint will look like a bunion, but the angulation will be in the actual toe.
- Most bunions have the appearance of a dislocation at the metatarsal phalangeal joint.
- In hallux valgus interphalangeus this is in the hallux interphalangeal joint.
- This can lead to difficulty fitting into tight shoes.
- It can lead to increased pain while standing.
- It can lead to pain and numbness in the big toe joint.

- Diagnosis is generally performed by foot specialist like a podiatrist.
- The joint can be evaluated from a biomechanical standpoint, especially focusing on the metatarsal phalangeal joint and the hallux interphalangeal joints.
- An x-ray should be taken to confirm that there is no arthritis in the big toe joint or hallux valgus metatarsal phalangeal joint.

Hallux valgus Inter-phalangeus Surgery:
- There are many different bunion surgeries available for treatment.
- Hallux valgus interphalangeus bunion surgery is different than a true first metatarsal phalangeal joint bunion surgery.
- First metatarsal phalangeal joint surgery may require a Chevron bunionectomy, first metatarsal joint effusion, or a Lapidus bunion ectomy.
- There is a procedure called an Akin osteotomy that is likely the choice procedure for hallux values interphalangeus surgery.
Hallux Valgus Interphalangeus Fusion Surgery:
- Another option is a hallux interphalangeal joint fusion.
- This is also called the hallux IPJ fusion.
- This usually consists of putting one or two screws from the tip of the toe across the hallux interphalangeal joint.
- This is usually for people who have broken their toe and have extreme arthritis and pain in the hallux IPJ joint.
- This is actually a fairly high satisfaction rate procedure. This is one that we do more frequently.
- An Akin osteotomy likely will not be strong enough to permanently correct deformity such as this.
Hallux valgus Inter-phalangeus Surgery Recovery Time:
- The recovery time is generally less than true bunion surgery.
- Because the hallux interphalangeal joint is not truly a weight-bearing joint.
- This can still lead to swelling for numerous months.
- We generally tell patients to estimate about 50% of the final product at six weeks, 75% of the final product at 12 weeks and about 95% of the final product at about six months.
- At one year it is normal to experience the outcome.

Big Toe Joint, Hammer Toe & Bunionette Problems: