Hallux Varus Surgery

Hallux varus is essentially the exact opposite of a bunion. The toe buckles to form a cavity at the base of the big toe joint whereas a a bunion buckles out; in a bunion the big toe moves toward the little toes whereas in hallux varus the big toe moves away from the little toes and there is a noticeable space in between the big toe and the 2nd toe.

Hallux Varus Causes:

Hallux varus occurs as a young child in the form of congenital hallux varus, or it may results as an adult after an injury or as a complication of a bunion surgery. Hallux varus as a result of a surgery occurs between 1-5% of all bunion surgeries depending on when it is noticed.

Hallux Varus Symptoms:

The most common symptom other than the big toe simply “in-toeing” is that the big toe does not fit into shoes properly. Over time the big toe starts to jam and compress agains the shoe causing discomfort from the friction of rubbing against the shoes. Ingrown toenails can form, blisters and the joint becomes unstable developing osteoarthritis and eventually even maybe dislocating.


Home Treatment of Hallux Varus:

If the hallux varus is noticed quickly before the soft tissue deformity becomes permanent it can almost always be splinted back into place with bandages, pads and accomodations.

Hallux Varus Surgery:

If the hallux varus has been present for many years it usually becomes rigid and permanent unless surgery can be performed.


Most Likely other causes of pain:

  1. Bunion

  2. Gout

  3. Hallux limitus

  4. Hallux rigidus

  5. Pseudogout

  6. Sesamoiditis

  7. Turf toe

  8. Broken Toe

  9. Swollen Toe

  10. Abductor Hallucis Strain

  11. Dislocated Toe

  12. Hallux Varus

  13. Flexor Hallucis Tendinitis

  14. Foot Arthritis