Big Toe Joint, Hammer Toe & Bunionette Problems:
How to prevent bunions & bunion growth? [Best way to prevent bunions!]
Can you stop a bunion from growing? In most cases, the answer is YES; we review how to prevent bunions from getting worse & bigger!
Table of Contents
What are bunions and how to prevent them video:
How to prevent bunions from getting worse without surgery video summary:
🦶Do you have a Big Toe Joint Bunion? Try Bunion Exercises, Bunion Stretches & Bunion Correctors! 🦶
- We go over Bunion corrector reviews, the best bunion stretches, the best bunion exercises, the best bunion massages, and bunion splints!
- Reverse Bunions WITHOUT SURGERY! Bunions can potentially be reversible with NO surgery!
- Try bunion toe separators, bunion shoes, bunion orthotics, bunion gel pads, bunion massage and bunion exercises first!

What are bunions, and how to stop them?
We frequently hear the questions, “What are bunions and how to prevent them?” We hope to answer that question here!
What is a bunion?
A bunion is an enlarged toe joint and a deformity of the big toe joint. It is usually worse on one foot compared to the other.
Bunions are some of the most common big toe joint problems that we see.
A bunion is actually that bending of the big toe joint. This is more common in women than men and is more common on one foot than equally on both feet.
It can be confused with a condition called hallux rigidus.
Bunions can be brought on by wearing narrow footwear, an abnormal stride, a genetic deformity, a foot injury, or simply heredity.
Those with arthritis, inflammatory joint disease, or flat feet can be more vulnerable to developing bunions. Although arthritis that causes a lump on the big toe joint is usually something called hallux rigidus.
This bone deformity will not recover by itself, and without proper treatment, it will certainly worsen and create more discomfort. Although it is possible to prevent a bunion from getting worse with what we detailed below, it can be challenging to reverse a severe bunion that has already developed. Thus we recommend always treating it as early as possible.
Persistent arthritis or bursitis can set in, as well as it might come to be tough to locate comfortable footwear. If the bunion gets bad enough, the only option at a certain point might be bunion surgery.
Best bunion doctor near me?
If you are in Michigan, we would love to be the answer to “who is the best bunion doctor near me?”
If you are close to us, come see us for a no-obligation consultation to see about a biomechanical exam or orthotic bunion options!

Minimally invasive bunion surgery:
If you’re in Michigan, a good option may be something called minimally invasive surgery.
New techniques allow podiatrists to perform bunion surgery with fewer incisions and with faster healing times than ever before. Research shows how effective minimally invasive surgery can be.
Consider a no-obligation consultation with one of our podiatrists for your bunion!
How to prevent bunions from getting worse:
First, it’s necessary to modify your footwear so your toes and feet have plenty of room. After that, we’ll work to eliminate the discomfort and pressure on your toes with:
- Shoe extra padding to ease swelling as well as lower friction against the big toe joint and bunion.
- A night-time splint to aid realign the joint by stretching the ankle joint and plantar fascia.
- Unfortunately, Cortisone shot to minimize joint swelling will not relocate the joint back into the proper position.
- Custom-fitted orthotics to rearrange the foot and also help stabilize the joint. This can be an excellent treatment option for those with flat feet or high arched feet.
- Exercises for bunions are possible.
- Stretching for bunions can also be effective.
- Based upon the level of deformity and also discomfort, we may review bunion surgery.
- This surgical procedure (called a bunionectomy) removes the bunion and aids, realign the toe.
How to prevent a bunion from getting bigger?
Use well-fitting footwear made from high-quality products.
- We recommend our favorite shoes.
- Avoid footwear that crowds the toes and places excess pressure on the joints.
- Shoes should have vast and deep toe boxes with excellent arch assistance and flatter heels.
- Sports footwear, as well as supportive sandals, are best.
- Stop using flip-flops and also non-orthotic slipper designs that cause the feet to pronate when strolling.
- Please stay away from footwear that triggers your feet to move forward because you’ll ultimately harm your toes as they strike within the footwear.
- Have your feet measured each time you go shopping. Our feet squash as we age, and also, you might require a larger dimension.
Best Bunion Relief Infographic:

Frequently Asked Questions:
How to prevent bunion growth?
The best way to prevent bunion growth is to assess a podiatrist and see your bunion’s true cause. Frequently we see people coming in with different problems such as big toe joint arthritis or a turf toe injury.
The best way to prevent a bunion is to make sure you are properly diagnosed.
At the same time, there are multiple reasons that a bunion can develop. It is a good idea to identify what these reasons are. We left some of the above.
How to prevent bunions with exercise?
We frequently hear the question, ” how to prevent bunions with exercise?” It is possible to prevent bunions from getting worse with exercise, specifically exercise, and stretches can be performed to stretch the plantar fascia and Achilles tendon, the ankle joint, the knee, the hamstring, and the lower back.
Bunions are frequently caused by misalignment in your body; having a podiatrist assess this and identify which muscles and ankles are tight can lead to healing.
Please see us as prime foot and ankle specialists if you are in Michigan, and we are left to perform biomechanical analysis and help.
How to prevent bunions for dancers?
How can you prevent bunions for dancers or belly dancers?
This is a more difficult scenario as dancers are frequently on their feet with very little support. The underlying cause is usually an abnormality or tightness on one side compared to the other. A dancer can deathly have flexible flat feet or absorb a lot of impact from up and down motion and jumping.
Visiting a podiatrist in identifying where you are tight can lead to identifying what exercises and stretches can be done to prevent bunions from growing bigger.
How to prevent bunions in pointe shoes?
It is difficult to prevent bunions and point shoes. We show above how dancers’ best option is to notice where you are tight sore and went imbalances you may have. The next option is to focus on correcting and healing those types of muscles and joints. This might mean forcing him to force one foot to flatten out more to compensate for a tight muscle or joint. The shoe itself can be tough to adjust to take pressure off your big toe joint.
How to prevent bunion pain?
The best way to prevent bunion pain and to prevent bunions from growing is to visit your podiatrist for a good supportive pair of podiatrist recommended orthotics or good supportive pair of shoes.
If you are in Michigan, visit us to evaluate and see if orthotics are covered for you.
Otherwise, click on her recommended shoes to see how we can get your bunion pain better and prevent your bunions from getting worse on your foot.
How to prevent bunions from growing?
The best way to prevent bunions from growing bigger and getting painful is to identify why this is happening.
We usually find that there is a biomechanical abnormality underlying this. We detail our favorite bunion prevention exercises, and bunion prevention stretches above in the video. Please take a look.
If you are in Michigan, visit us for an evaluation of your bunion pain.
How to prevent bunions when wearing heels?
Another question is, “How to prevent bunions when wearing heels?” It is possible to prevent bunions when wearing heels by focusing on stretching and exercising.
Heels are not doing your big toe, and he favors, and it would be better to get a more reasonable shoe with an orthotic. Orthotics are possible for high heels, but they are not as effective as a full-length orthotic for a good stable shoe.
The next best option is to get a biomechanical analysis by a podiatrist to see if one leg where one part of your body is tighter than the other. At that point, it is possible to focus on stretches and exercises to work out that muscle and tendon.
In the video above, we detail some of these exercises and stretches.
How to prevent bunions and hammertoes from getting worse?
Some podiatrists theorize that tight muscles and biomechanical asymmetry can lead to bunions and hammertoes. Thus preventing asymmetry and imbalance can help prevent bunions and hammertoes from getting worse.
We like to focus on good shoes, good orthotics, biomechanical exams to see where you are imbalanced. Seeing a podiatrist can be an excellent way to do this and make sure your foot pain is not getting worse.
We also offered her minimally invasive surgery to help treat bunions in the office.
How to help prevent bunions?
Is it possible to help prevent bunions? Yes, it is. We recommend great shoes, great orthotics, and visiting a podiatrist for your best chance at preventing bunion growth.
how to prevent bunions from worsening
How to prevent the bunion from forming or formation?
See the video above to see our favorite text to prevent bunions from forming and how to prevent bunion formation!