Kager’s Triangle Fat Pad Inflammation and Edema
Kager’s Triangle Fat Pad: This fat pad can have inflammation and edema develop. The most common cause is Achilles tendonitis or even more SEVERE damage.
Table of Contents
What Is The Kager’s Triangle Fat Pad?
- Kager’s fat pad is located above the back of the heel.
- It is frequently effected by changes to the achilles tendon.
- It is also effected by changes to the calcaneus & tibia.
Kager’s Fat Pad Edema:
- Kager’s fad pad edema can occur when there is any damage at all to the Kager’s triangle and the fat pad within this.
- The fat within this area does not really serve any anatomically purpose and it does not actually get sore by itself.
- The main problem with this is that as the structures around this get sore you can get some swelling.
Kager’s Fat Pad Inflammation Treatment:
- The best way to provide Kager’s fat pad inflammation treatment is to correct the problems causing the swelling and inflammation within this structure.
- The number one most common cause is achilles tendonitis.
- Wearing proper shoes, proper inserts and proper support can take care of this the quickest.
- This is also known as heel bursitis, this is something that can very easily be treated.
Kager’s Triangle Fat Pad Has 3 Borders:
- The calcaneus inferiorly.
- The achilles tendon posteriorly.
- The tibia and flexor hallucis longus anteriorly.
- The retro-calcaneal bursa is sutated in the posterior inferior of the triangle.
Non-Achilles Tendon Changes In Kager’s Triangle Fat Pad:
Decreased appearance in:
- Posterior ankle joint effusion.
- Retrocalceanal bursitis, at the posterior inferior corner.
- Os trigonum syndrome at the posterior talus.
- Flexor hallucis longus tenosynovitis.
- Fracture of the calcaneus.
- Calcaneal bone tumors.
- Any cortical disruptions in the area.
Achilles Tendon Changes In Kager’s Triangle Fat Pad:
- Decreased appearance in:
- Achilles tendon peritendinitis.
- Fully ruptured or partially ruptured Achilles tendon.
- Inflammation or degeneration of the Achilles tendon (tendinosis).
- Positive Arner’s sign: tendo achilles deviates anteriorly due to rupture.
- Toygar’s angle decrease: normally 150 degrees, but gets smaller after rupture. The skin becomes more concave and a dell is appreciated.
- Ossification of the Achilles tendon.
Flexor Hallucis Longus Changes In Kager’s Triangle Fat Pad:
- Os trigonum syndrome is the most common abnormal condition.
- This is usually due to micro trauma & chronic inflammation of the cartilaginous synchondrosis.
- The ossicle may be fractured.
- This usually shows concurrent inflammation of the FHL.
- There could also be full tears, partial tears and tenosynovitis.
- Various sheath tumors are possible as well.