Best Medical Walking Boot [Best Accessories, Covers & How to Size!]

We go over the best medical walking boot accessories, the best walking boot covers and how to walk in medical boot. Get better FASTER!

Best Medical Walking Boot Tips Video Overview:

This video also goes over:

  • Medical walking boot socks
  • How to size a medical walking boot.
  • How to use a medical walking boot.
  • What size medical walking boot do I need?

Best Medical Walking Boots:

  • We go over tall medical walking boots and short medical walking boots.
  • Below we also list our favorite medical walking boot accessories.
  • We also go over our favorite medical walking boot covers for showering.

Best Fracture Boots & Covers
Best Tall Boot
Best Short Boot
Best Fracture Boot Balance Device
Best Cast Shower Cover
Aircast AirSelect Standard Walker Brace / Walking Boot, Medium
United Ortho USA14115 Short Air Cam Walker Fracture Boot, Medium, Black
Original EVENup™ Shoe Balancer/Leveler - Equalize Limb Length and Reduce Body Strain While Walking (Small)
100% Waterproof Adult Cast Covers for Shower Leg, Resuable 28" Long,Easy to wear, Cast shower cover leg,foot bag for showering, post surgery waterproof foot boot covers, Plastic bag to cover leg
Excellent reviews at 4.6/5 with over 800+ Reviews:
Very good reviews. This is 4.3/5 ratings on over 3,000+ reviews.
Outstanding reviews: 4.3/5 for 1,000+ reviews! Prevents hip, knee and back pain.
Amazing Reviews at 4.6/5 at 500+ reviews. Best reviewed and cost effective bag.
It has an air bladder for extra cushion. It is tall for extra support, as well as air bladder.
Excellent lower cost walking boot. With a orthotic and cushion, it really keeps pressure off of your ankle.
This works great to balance the opposite foot. This prevents the back, hip and knees from having any pain.
It is very effective but not perfect. The price is really good and it has excellent reviews.
The inner sleeve can ride lower and the plastic around the rim can irritate the boot.
Less support with the less than full length boot. It is more comfortable but less supportive.
Does not work that great for slippers and less supportive shoes.
It can still leak, so be careful!
Crucial Tips:
Make sure your lift the cushioning material along the hard plastic rim. Make sure to keep it pumped up. Use an orthotic and a lift on the other side.
Use a lift for the other foot to prevent back and hip problems. Also use an orthotic for the flat foot bed.
This is very cost effective and well worth it. Just make sure both shoes have good supportive orthotics.
Just be careful with this is not perfect. It can still get wet underneath.
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Best Fracture Boots & Covers
Best Tall Boot
Aircast AirSelect Standard Walker Brace / Walking Boot, Medium
Excellent reviews at 4.6/5 with over 800+ Reviews:
It has an air bladder for extra cushion. It is tall for extra support, as well as air bladder.
The inner sleeve can ride lower and the plastic around the rim can irritate the boot.
Crucial Tips:
Make sure your lift the cushioning material along the hard plastic rim. Make sure to keep it pumped up. Use an orthotic and a lift on the other side.
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Best Fracture Boots & Covers
Best Short Boot
United Ortho USA14115 Short Air Cam Walker Fracture Boot, Medium, Black
Very good reviews. This is 4.3/5 ratings on over 3,000+ reviews.
Excellent lower cost walking boot. With a orthotic and cushion, it really keeps pressure off of your ankle.
Less support with the less than full length boot. It is more comfortable but less supportive.
Crucial Tips:
Use a lift for the other foot to prevent back and hip problems. Also use an orthotic for the flat foot bed.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Fracture Boots & Covers
Best Fracture Boot Balance Device
Original EVENup™ Shoe Balancer/Leveler - Equalize Limb Length and Reduce Body Strain While Walking (Small)
Outstanding reviews: 4.3/5 for 1,000+ reviews! Prevents hip, knee and back pain.
This works great to balance the opposite foot. This prevents the back, hip and knees from having any pain.
Does not work that great for slippers and less supportive shoes.
Crucial Tips:
This is very cost effective and well worth it. Just make sure both shoes have good supportive orthotics.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Fracture Boots & Covers
Best Cast Shower Cover
100% Waterproof Adult Cast Covers for Shower Leg, Resuable 28" Long,Easy to wear, Cast shower cover leg,foot bag for showering, post surgery waterproof foot boot covers, Plastic bag to cover leg
Amazing Reviews at 4.6/5 at 500+ reviews. Best reviewed and cost effective bag.
It is very effective but not perfect. The price is really good and it has excellent reviews.
It can still leak, so be careful!
Crucial Tips:
Just be careful with this is not perfect. It can still get wet underneath.
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Medical walking boot covers:

  • Medical walking boot covers for showering can be very effective.
  • They have definitely gotten better over time and are more reliable.
  • We still recommend potentially using a garbage bag over top of this protector if you are using a cast.
  • It would be a shame to have to call your podiatrist or primary care doctor to change your cast in the middle of the night if the bag leaked.
  • Is important to remember that these medical boot covers for showering are not 100% effective.
  • They are pretty good otherwise but use her air and defects of the base have been known to occur.
  • This is probably not the biggest problem in the world with the walking boot as you could remove it. But if there is a dressing or cast underneath, make sure it does not get wet or this could be a problem.

Medical walking boot accessories:

  • Our favorite medical walking boot accessories are and even up shoe leveler.
  • The medical walking boot can be very tall and can really throw you off balance.
  • This can cause hip pain knee pain to both sides of the legs and the hips leading to problems.
  • We recommend getting a shoe lift for your opposite foot as this can really take a lot of pressure off your foot.
  • Another favorite of ours is a medical boot cover not just for showering but for outside.
  • If you live in an area that rains a lot or has snow this could lead to your boot getting dirty.
  • It can be very beneficial to have a walking boot cover to protect both the boot and your injured foot.
Tips for wearing a walking boot
There are both short medical walking boots and tall medical walking boots. We recommend a tall medical walking boot if possible as these provide more protection and are the best medical walking boot option.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do I need a medical walking boot for plantar fasciitis?

  • If there is severe plantar fasciitis that has not improved with good orthotics, a good brace or good shoes, this may be beneficial.
  • If your plantar fasciitis is not getting better, we do recommend getting a good medical walking boot.
  • We recommend generally wearing these for up to 4-6 weeks to get the plantar fasciitis a chance to calm down.
  • We also recommend wearing a good supportive orthotic while you are wearing the boot.
  • If you are in Michigan and need a good custom orthotic, come see us!

Do I need a medical walking boot for sprained ankle?

  • There are 3 grades of sprained ankles.
  • Studies do show that wearing a medical walking boot for sprained ankle can be more beneficial in a grade 2 or grade 3 sprained ankle.
  • The studies do show that the medical walking boot initially and then safe physical therapy may be beneficial afterwards.
  • In summary we do recommend wearing a medical walking boot early on.
    Click on this link for more on wearing a medical walking boot for sprained ankle.

Can I use a short air medical walking boot for broken injured foot?

  • A short air medical walking boot is better for an injured foot than no boot, but we would recommend a toe walking boot.
  • The reason you might need a tall walking boot is because the long extensor tendons and the short extensor tendons insert into the tips of the toes.
  • This means that every time the ankle bends or the leg bends, these long extensor and flexor tendons will bend the toe up and down.
  • This prevents the broken toe or the broken foot from being stable.
  • If at all possible, use a tall medical walking boot for your broken foot or broken ankle.
  • Studies show that a walking boot can be beneficial.
  • Even better than a walking boot is a rolling knee scooter and walker combined with the tall walking boot to keep pressure off of it.

How much does a medical walking boot weigh?

  • A medical walking boot is not extremely heavy, but it is clunky and prevents your muscles from moving.
  • The key with the boot is to have good support such as crutches, a walker or a rolling knee scooter.
  • It is usually not the weight of the walking boot that causes the problem, but more the clunky nature of the boot.


How to walk in a medical boot?

  • In the video above we show how to walk in a medical walking boot.
  • Realistically it will always be difficult due to how clunky the boot is, especially a tall walking boot. Here we go over the best tips for walking with a walking boot.

Medical walking boot socks?

  • The best socks for a medical walking boot will extend up toward the knee. This will prevent rubbing along the edge of the boot and will prevent sweating.
  • If you sweat too much in the walking boot, it might make the walking boot too smelly and unusable after a few days!