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PRP Injection for Plantar Fasciitis [PRP for Ankle & Achilles Tendonitis]
Do you need a PRP injection for plantar fasciitis, ankle pain, or Achilles tendonitis? We provide no-obligation foot pain & ankle pain visits!

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Doctors who perform PRP injections near me:
PRP therapy is a type of regenerative medicine that aims to use our body’s ability to heal itself. The goal of this therapy will be to harness the healing power of platelets. The main advantage of PRP therapy includes a decrease in the need for anti-inflammatory medications and even stronger medicines like opioids. However, PRP therapy is not approved by the FDA. Research is ongoing, and many have experienced positive results from PRP therapy.
PRP Injections near me:
What is a PRP injection?
PRP is known as Platelet-rich plasma. For PRP therapy, blood will be drawn from a vein in your arm and concentrated by centrifuge. By spinning, the platelets are separated from other blood cells. The plasma (the fluid part of the blood which is colorless) that is rich in platelets is then injected into the injured region that needs healing.
Ultrasound imaging can be used to guide the PRP injection.
Do PRP injections work?
Platelets carry quite a lot of growth factors. They are the first cells to respond to an injury by controlling the damage and healing. Treatment with PRP is built upon this knowledge. When we have injured, our platelets travel to the damaged region and form a clot to prevent excess bleeding. They also deliver proteins and other molecules to attract other cells like stem cells to the area. These cells and proteins will aid healing in some instances while providing pain relief in other conditions.
PRP injections are used to treat osteoarthritis, which is a painful condition. Osteoarthritis develops when the protective cartilage which cushions the ends of our bones weaken with time. PRP injections also treat chronic and ongoing soft tissue injuries like plantar fasciitis and lateral epicondylitis (Tennis elbow).
It can accelerate the healing of injured ligaments, tendons, joints, and muscles. As it enhances the healing process, the use of PRP for Achilles tendon ruptures, rotator cuff tears in the shoulder, and other soft tissue injuries are becoming increasingly popular.
PRP is also demonstrated to reduce pain and improve function in patients with chronic tendinosis or tendinitis like Tennis elbow or Golfer’s elbow.
Doctors use PRP to treat acute sports injuries like knee sprains and pulled hamstring muscles. Some doctors may use PRP for post-surgical repair. Following surgery repairing a torn tendon or a ligament, PRP injections may accelerate the healing process. It is important to note that these uses are not 100% proven by research and that the research is still ongoing.
Does PRP injection cost?
Once you learn about these benefits, you may wonder how much a PRP injection will cost you. Unfortunately, since most insurance plans do not cover PRP therapy, the cost must be paid out of your pocket. The cost may vary on how the injections are given and the location. Some reported costs include:
- ABC News 7 in San Francisco reported in 2013 that PRP therapy for hair loss costs $900 for a single treatment and $2,500 for three treatments.
- In 2014, The Washington Post mentioned that knee injections of PRP could cost anywhere from $500 to $1,200 per treatment.
- Generally, PRP injections for the foot & ankle can be a lower price. When compared to surgical intervention, this can be considered an extremely good deal if successful.
Does insurance cover PRP injections?
According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, only a few insurance plans will cover PRP injections or provide any reimbursement. As many insurance companies consider it an experimental therapy, more proven research will be needed to ensure its coverage.
Generally, most insurance plans do not cover PRP injections at this time, even though the evidence is now considered strong for its effectiveness. And success rates.
PRP injection research:
Research is ongoing, and the evidence shows that PRP treatment relieves pain and offers better joint function in osteoarthritis because of its ability to reduce inflammation. However, it is not proven that PRP can heal or regenerate the damage in a joint having osteoarthritis.
Here are some clinical studies of PRP therapy;
- One large study examining 230 tennis elbow patients treated with both PRP therapy and traditional treatments. After 24 weeks of treatment, around 84% of patients treated with PRP reported a 25% or more reduction of their pain, while similar results were reported by 68% in the control group.
- In another study, 99 patients diagnosed with chronic tendinopathies like Achilles tendinitis, tennis elbow, jumper’s knee, and plantar fasciitis who experienced symptoms for an average of 3 years were treated with PRP. Following the PRP therapy, the majority of the patients reported some pain relief.
- A study done in 2017 which focused on tendon and ligament injuries found that patients who were administered PRP showed significantly less pain when compared with the control group.
- Another study done in 2019 focused on sports-related injuries – 17 studies focused on tendon and ligament injury, and five studies focused on PRP for acute muscle injury. Out of the first 17 reviews, 8 out of 17 injuries showed a significant reduction in pain, while out of the second 5 reviews, 3 out of 5 showed little to no effect on the outcome. Studies may give mixed results, unfortunately.
According to these studies, PRP therapy will not offer a 100% reduction in pain for all patients, like other traditional treatments for chronic tendon injuries. But PRP therapy can be combined with other treatment options to reduce the pain and for functional improvement.
PRP injection side effects:
Side effects of PRP injection are uncommon. Since the PRP injection is created from your blood, your body doesn’t reject it, and there won’t be any negative reactions to PRP or allergies. Because PRP therapy involves an injection into your skin, there can be potential side effects, such as;
- Tissue damage
- Infection risk
- Injury to nerves
- Pain at the injection site
But severe pain following PRP injection is rare.
PRP injection recovery time:
Once PRP is injected following an injury, you must rest the affected area. This recommendation is mainly related to your injury and not that much to the injection itself. Many of you can continue your daily routines following the injection. PRP therapy is intended to promote healing. Therefore, you may not notice immediate results following the injections. After a few weeks to months, you may notice an improvement in function and less pain.
Precautions after PRP injection:
After your PRP therapy session, you should rest on the day of the procedure. But next 2 -3 days, movement is encouraged with limited use of the injection area. You can resume walking after the first day, but gradually. This will help you to recover as the surrounding tissue absorbs the PRP. First few days, you may experience some pain and discomfort at the injection site, which is normal. Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated to help the healing process. You should not take any medications following the procedure unless directed by a physician because medications can affect the healing process; for best results, discontinue the following medications after PRP injection.
What to avoid after PRP injection?
- Systemic steroids for at least two weeks
- Anti-inflammatory medications for two weeks
- Blood-thinning medicines, herbs, and other supplements
Other tips to follow the post-procedure
- Avoid applying heat or ice to the injection site during the first three days.
- Avoid consumption of alcohol for at least one week
- Avoid hot baths and sauna for a few days
- Avoid a shower for 24 hours
- Avoid smoking
- Limit caffeine for one week
You can gradually increase your day-to-day activities within the next two weeks. After three weeks, you can start physical therapy to help long-term healing and to recover faster. It would help if you went for a follow-up with your doctor as instructed in the treatment plan.
How long do PRP injections last?
You may wonder how long the PRP injection will last. Studies have shown that PRP injection may be effective for 6 -9 months. The range of time will depend on several factors. These determinants include;
- The general health of the patient
- The condition and the quality of the PRP injection which is used to treat
- The way your body responds to the PRP therapy initially
Overall outcome and how long the effects will last may vary from patient to patient.
Frequently Asked PRP Injection Questions:
Following PRP injection – Return to sport:
Always listen to your body. Pain is a sign for you to slow down. You should avoid sports for the first two weeks following the PRP injection. But afterward, you can gradually return to your regular activities. If you experience pain, slow down. Sports and other physical activities can also be started slowly. If you are an athlete, you can successfully return to play after 4 -6 weeks.
Running after PRP injection is also possible, provided you gradually increase the intensity. If you return to your pre-injury level too soon, you may have a potential risk of interrupting the healing process. Therefore always go slow and steady.
Prolotherapy and PRP injections:
Prolotherapy involves injections that encourage tissue regrowth, just like PRP injections. However, the injected substance is different. PRP therapy involves injecting patients’ blood (platelet-rich plasma fluid after spinning) into their bodies. Prolotherapy consists of an injection with an irritant solution made up of dextrose (chemically identical to glucose) and other substances.
PRP injection for plantar fasciitis:
PRP injection has been an effective alternative treatment for plantar fasciitis to reduce heel pain and improve functional restoration. It is much safer than steroid injections, and limited evidence support that PRP is far more superior to steroid therapy for long-term pain relief.
Plantar fasciitis recovery following PRP injection –
You can gradually return to your activities after three weeks following the PRP injection. Walking after the PRP injection can be started slowly within the first week.
Swelling after PRP injection under eyes:
Many of us worry about dark circles under our eyes, which is a popular cosmetic treatment nowadays. You will notice some swelling and bruising under your eyes following the PRP injection. However, within a week, the majority of your swelling will go off, although bruising may take about two weeks to vanish. You should look great after two weeks following the PRP injection.