Toenail Pain [Toenail Fungus, Ingrown Toenails, Discolored Toenails]
Red Toenail Bed [Causes, Home Remedies & Best Treatment!]
Do you have a red toenail bed exposed? We go over the causes and the 100% best treatment options. So get rid of your pain NOW!
- Red & black toenail pain can be improved with a few simple treatment changes.
- We are foot doctors & we see this problem get better almost every day.
- The goal is to solve this problem without medication or surgery if at all possible.
So, let’s GO!
Table of Contents
Dark red under the toenail bed video:
Red inflamed toenail bed causes:
Red or Black Toenail Picture & Photo Gallery:
- A red toenail generally means fresh blood or a fresh injury.
- This can be called a toenail hematoma or fresh blood from repetitive irritation.
- A black toenail is generally more dried blood that has crested underneath the toenail.
- Very infrequently, can a black toenail be something more dangerous like melanoma?
- It is also possible for your toenail to the infected with toenail fungus. This can also then result in rubbing and bleeding after the toenail fungus.
- If there is toenail fungus, this is usually more of a brown or yellow color.
- A toenail falling off is a widespread problem as well.
Please click on the photo gallery for descriptions & full-size photos!
Please click on the photo gallery for descriptions & full size photos!
Red Toenail Bed Overview:
- A red toenail bed is usual caused by downward pressure onto the toenail, causing bleeding.
- There are 4 different causes with different treatments.
- Learn how to start taking care of it!
Causes of Red Under The Toenail:
The most common medical name for redness under the toenail is a subungual hematoma:
- Subungual means under the toenail, and a hematoma is a buildup of blood.
- This can result due to constant friction and buildup of pressure against the nail, causing the blood vessels of the nail bed to rupture.
- The blood then pools underneath the nail plate, which can result in severe throbbing pain.
- Don’t be alarmed if there is no pain and or if this has shown up without an injury.
Most common in Runners or Joggers:
- This injury is frequently encountered in people who have recently started jogging and undertaking new activities like Zumba or exercise class.
- They usually buy new shoes and start a new exercise and a week later: BOOM – Red Toenail Bed.
Here are some of the reasons why you may have a red toenail bed:
- Shoes that are too tight in width.
- Shoes that are too tight in length.
- No free room between the toenail and the front of the shoe.
- Toenails are not trimmed to the proper length.
- Morton’s foot – short 1st toe puts pressure on the 2nd toe.
Consider 4 Other Causes to Black Toenails:
Diagnosis of Red Under The Toenail:
- It can look black, red or even brown.
- It can be painful or not hurt at all.
- If it does hurt, the pain is a throbbing type.
- It can be small or take up the entire nail.
- There can be a large traumatic incident before the spot appears.
- There can be a history of new shoes being worn.
- There can be a history of new exercise or job being started recently.
- Running or jogging.
- Slamming toe or fingernail.
Home Treatment:
If you are feeling extreme throbbing, try the 5 following things:
1)Ice The Toenail!
The first step should be to start decreasing the pain and inflammation underneath the nail bed. The more you ice the toenail, the less blood should build up in the toe. This helps from both a pain and a healing perspective in the long run.
- This will help decrease the immediate pain.
- This will also help decrease the healing time over the next few days.
- It will increase the odds of your toenail not falling off.
2)Protect the toenail.
Using bandaids, ACE bandages, or Coban can help decrease further irritation to the site. If the toe becomes numb, though, take the dressing off! This will help you from having it fall off and hopefully decrease the pressure. If you have decreased sensation, don’t do this either.
- Wrap it to stop the Toe From Swelling.
- Would you please not make it too tight?
- You still want to feel the toe.
3)Anti-inflammatory medication.
Check with your foot doctor (podiatrist) or pharmacist before taking any medication. Make sure you are healthy enough first. But these will greatly increase your healing time and decrease the pain you feel.
- Decreases the pain.
- Increases the healing time.
- Increases chances of keeping the nail.
4)If it is still hurting- see a podiatrist have the blood drained.
The podiatrist can drill through your toenail and drain the blood out the bottom of the pain that is still hurting. This is considered the ultimate treatment!
5)Prevention is the best medicine!
Get to a podiatrist for a good foot measuring. Most people never look into increasing their shoe size, but you need to realize that your feet do grow over time. They essentially flatten out like a pancake rather than just having bone growth.
- Get your shoes fitted properly.
- Try a Brannock Device
- Measure the arch length, foot length, and foot width.
- Cut your toenails properly.
- Don’t leave the toenails too long.
6)The Toenail will grow back!
- Nails grow at 1mm per month.
- So if your black spot is 4 mm away from the edge, it will be gone in 4 months!
Best Toenail Fungus Products:
- These are our favorite products to treat toenail fungus at home.
- Keratin Granulations are very easily taken care of through moisturizing your nails with cuticle wax, oils and simply avoiding nail polish for a little while.
- It is not necessary to buy anything expensive or online; it is fine to use a product like Vaseline or any other petroleum oil in most circumstances.
- So get yourself some petroleum jelly at your corner store and apply it to your nails at night when you won’t be using your hands. In 2 weeks, you should be in great shape!
- Make sure you read the reviews and see if it is good for you!
How to fix toenail fungus:
- There are many different types of toenail damage.
- In our experience, about 90% or more is related to toenail fungus.
- The key to toenail fungus is to trim it as much as possible and file that nailed down.
- These products are not meant to replace prescription drugs or medical treatment equipment.
- If you are able to do that, you have to make sure you can kill fungus the rest of the way.
- The best way to do that is to soak exfoliate the affected toenail skin. So, consider foot soaks.
- At the same time, you have to apply antifungal medication such as these medications recommended here or the toenail repair pens.

Best Toenail Fungus Clippers & Files:
- This is something you have to be careful using at home, and deftly don’t use these if you have dangerous health conditions.
- These are some great value heavy-duty clippers and sets.
- The key is to cut straight across and file the nail down from the top to keep it from impinging in the corners.
- It is also important to make sure all dead, dry skin is removed surrounding the foot.
- This is where you should really see your podiatrist if you have any concerns or are worried about cutting or hurting yourself.
- This is something covered, so don’t take chances with your health!

Best Antifungal Moisture Wicking Socks:
- These are some great options for moisture-wicking sucks.
- We tried to focus on budget value stocks that are not too expensive.
- Sure there are better stocks out there, but these are great socks for a great price for most people.
- If you have diabetes, focus on getting yourself some diabetic socks.
Best woman’s antifungal socks:

Best men’s antifungal socks:

Recommended foot fungus products:
- It is also essential to fix your foot fungus.
- Even if you cure your toenail fungus, keep your toenails trimmed in healthy: it is possible for your foot fungus to spread back into toenails.
- It’s not a far journey from skin fungus to jump onto your toenails again.
- So make sure you treat your foot fungus, as well as your toenail fungus.

Get The Best Shoes:
- You definitely want to get great shoes and sandals for your toenail fungus and foot fungus.
- Specifically, when you are in a communal shower or pool, you want to get a good pair of sandals. We compiled a great list of our recommended orthotic flip-flops.
- You also want to get new breathable shoes that are not covered in sweat and that have mesh around the toes.
- Specifically, good pairs of running shoes have a mesh where your toes are. This prevents your toenails from rubbing and prevents them from dreaming on the front of the foot.
- Click on the below link to see which shoes we recommend for your toenail fungus and foot fungus.
Toenail Pain [Toenail Fungus, Ingrown Toenails, Discolored Toenails]