Pain in the Ball of the Foot in Second Toe [Causes & Best Treatment] Pain in the Ball of the Foot in Second Toe is extremely common because the 2nd toe is the longest toe! It is the digit that absorbs the most pressure! Look: 2nd toe joint pain can be improved with a few … Read more
Foot Doctor
How is Toenail Fungus Spread? [Causes & Best Treatment!] How is Toenail Fungus Spread? The #1 cause is communal areas where family members or the public walk barefoot. STOP CATCHING IT! How is Toenail Fungus Spread Overview: The number one way toenail fungus is spread is in communal areas like showers, bathrooms and pool decks. … Read more
Toe Nail Coming Off the Nail Bed [Causes, Remedies & Best Treatment!] Do you have a big toenail coming off the nail bed? 95% of the time, it is either due to trauma (which could be repeated rubbing!) or even toenail fungus! Look: The toenail falling off pain can be improved with a few simple … Read more