Calcaneal Stress Fracture [Causes, Symptoms & Best Home Treatment!] Do you have a calcaneal stress fracture? Make 100% sure you are not walking on it and making it worse! A calcaneus squeeze test can help you diagnose it! Calcaneal Stress Fracture Overview: The most common cause for a calaneal or heel bone stress fracture … Read more
Knot On the Bottom of My Foot [Causes, Symptoms & Home Treatment] The Knot on the Bottom of my Foot is something called a plantar fibroma 95% of the time. Find out what is causing this pain, and how to get it 100% better! Plantar fibroma’s usually show as a mass on the bottom … Read more
Heel Stress Fracture [Causes, Symptoms & Best Treatment] Do you have a Heel Stress Fracture? This pain that gets worse while standing during the day, this can ACHE & THROB. Get 100% better! Causes: Over exerting your self or constant activity can cause a stress fracture. Athletes such as football, basket ball and soccer … Read more