Big Toe Joint, Hammer Toe & Bunionette Problems:
Toenail Jam: [Causes, Symptoms & Best Treatment!]
Toenail Jam: There are 2 types of toenail jam. #1) The type that gets stuck between your toes, and #2) The type that gets into the corner of your nail!
- We will show you an animated diagnosis & treatment guide, photos and the best FAST treatment options for toenail fungus.
- These are Simple & EASY options that we have seen success with.
- Also included is our Toenail Fungus Treatment Video Guide!
So, Let’s Get STARTED!

Table of Contents
Toenail Fungus Picture Gallery:
This gallery shows different types of toenail fungus.
- The most common type is called subungual onychomycosis. This is when the toenail fungus gets underneath the toenail and lifts the nail.
- This can cause damage to the toenail bed, preventing future attachment of the toenail.
- It is also possible to get superficial white onychomycosis. This is the buildup of white superficial fungus on top of the toenail.
- If you just removed your toenail polish, this may not be fungus. It may be something called keratin granulations.
- This may not be fungus if you have white horizontal lines or white horizontal ridges on your toenails.
- It is also possible to get it throughout the entire nail, or the nail is destroyed and is dead.
- The good news is these are all very treatable!
So click on the photos for gallery mode & description!
Click on pictures for full size & descriptions:
What is Toenail Jam?
- Toenail Jam is the stuff that gets caught up in between your toes and under your nails.
- It is most common on a hot sweaty day when you are wearing cotton socks.
- They get bunched up and it all gets underneath your nails and in between your toes.
So officially there are two definitions:
- 1)The dirt and lint that get bunched up with your sweat. These get stuck in ball shapes between your toes and need to be cleaned out.
- 2)The dirt that gets moist and gets stuck in the corners of your toenail.
Just think of it as a big ball made up of lint and dirt combined with your natural delicious sweat!
Not to be Confused with Toenail Cheese!
- Toenail cheese is the hard stuff that gets underneath your nails that is not just dirt.
- This would be all the thick crumbly stuff that makes up nail fungus.
Learn more about Toenail Fungus!
When to see Toenail Jam:
- You shouldn’t see to much toenail jam unless you spend a good deal amount of time in dirty or dusty areas.
- If you are getting an excessive amount of it you may want to think of toenail fungus or athlete’s foot.
Other things that were Toe Jam:
1)Toe Jam and Earl- was a video game for the Sega Genesis
- Relevance: Low.
2)In rock climbing. This is a technique where you jam your toes into a crack in the rock, some experts argue that this was in fact the first usage of the term “toe jam”
Good Luck with your Toenail Jam dilemna!
Other Related Nail Problems:
See if any of these other problems apply to your situation!
Toenail Fungus (Onychomycosis) Treatment & Cure Infographic:

Toenail Fungus Home Treatment:
- These are our favorite products to treat toenail fungus at home.
- It is difficult to properly diagnose any health problem such as toenail fungus with 100% certainty. So see your podiatrist and make sure you are not missing anything!
- Also, many of these products are considered beauty products more so than health products. Just be aware that they are not always FDA evaluated or approved in any way.
How to fix toenail fungus:
- There are many different types of toenail damage.
- In our experience, about easily 50% or more is related to toenail fungus.
- The key to toenail fungus is to trim it as much as possible and file that nail down vertically and length-wise.
- If you can do that, you have to make sure you can kill fungus the rest of the way with creams and topical medication.
- The best way to do that is to soak exfoliate the affected toenail skin. So, foot soaks can be a strong anti-fungus solution.
- At the same time, you have to apply anti-fungal medication such as these medications evaluated here or the toenail repair pens.

Recommended foot fungus products:
- It is also vital to fix your foot fungus.
- Athlete’s feet can be beneficial to remove from the foot because if left unchecked, they can quickly spread back to the toenails even if they are fixed.
- Even if you cure your toenail fungus, keep your toenails trimmed in healthy: your foot fungus can spread back into toenails.
- So make sure you treat your foot fungus, as well as your toenail fungus.

Best Toenail Fungus Clippers & Files:
- You have to be careful using at home, and definitely be safe and don’t use these if you have dangerous health conditions.
- It is important to see a podiatrist for foot evaluation and care if you have continued health care issues or problems with your feet.
- These are some great value heavy-duty clippers and sets.
- The key is to cut straight across and file the nail down from the top to keep it from impinging in the corners.
- It is also important to make sure all dead, dry skin is removed surrounding the foot.
- This is where you should really see your podiatrist if you have any concerns or are worried about cutting or hurting yourself.
- This is something covered, so don’t take chances with your health!

Best Toenail Fungus Polish and Remover:
- There is some great toenail fungus polish options and polish removal options.
- There are no acetone-based toenail polish removers, they don’t dry as quickly, but they are less like a dehydrator toenail.
- This also applies to your fingernails and hands.
- The benefits of using these non-toxic toenail polishes are that they are filled with non-fungal options such as tea tree oil, preventing toenail fungus.
- These can also work well for the fingernails.
- So great combo is to use one of these healthier toenail paint options, as well as a non-acetone-based toenail polish remover.

Best Shoes For Toenail Injuries:
- The key to prevent toenail ripping and lifting is to have good supportive shoes.
- If you have a good supportive shoe that keeps pressure off your toes in your toenails, there will be no lifting and cracking to allow bacteria and fungus to get in.
- This almost seems counter-intuitive, but when people make a switch to perfect supportive shoes that fit properly, their toenail problems almost always get better over the next few months or a year.
- Your current nail is already likely destroyed, especially with joggers toe, but let the new nail growing healthy without new damage.
- Click the following link for our most recommended shoes. Try to focus on shoes with mesh and room around the big toe and also the smaller toes.
Best Antifungal Moisture Wicking Socks:
- These are some great options for moisture-wicking sucks.
- The more you can wick moisture from your foot, the less chance there is that toenail fungus, and athlete’s foot can survive.
- We tried to focus on budget value stocks that are not too expensive.
- Sure there are better stocks out there, but these are great socks for a great price for most people.
- If you have diabetes, focus on getting yourself some diabetic socks.
Best woman’s antifungal socks:

Best men’s antifungal socks:

Toenail Pain [Toenail Fungus, Ingrown Toenails, Discolored Toenails]