Big Toe Joint, Hammer Toe & Bunionette Problems:
Turf Toe Injury: Best Treatment [Brace, Splint & Recovery Time]
A turf toe injury has 3 major grades with different recovery times and treatment. Fix it 100% satisfactorily with the right Brace, Splint, and taping at HOME!
- Big toe joint pain can be improved with a few simple treatment changes.
- We are foot doctors & we see this problem get better almost every day.
- The goal is to solve this problem without medication or surgery if possible.
So, let’s GO!
Table of Contents
Top 5 Big Toe Joint Causes Picture & Photo Gallery:
- A bunion is a pre-dislocation of the big toe joint.
- Big toe joint arthritis is also known as hallux rigidus and can form a very large toe joint spur.
- A turf toe is the hyperextension and bending of the big toe joint. This can cause ligament and tendon damage.
- Sesamoiditis of the big toe joint is the inflammation and possible fracture of the two bones underneath your big toe joint.
- Gout in the big toe joint is the buildup of the crystal substance called uric acid.
So, check out the big toe diseases by clicking on the photo gallery for descriptions!
So, check out the big toe diseases by clicking on the photo gallery for descriptions!
What is a Turf Toe Injury?
- Turf toe can occur after a very vigorous upward bending of the big toe, causing a sprain to the ligaments under the big or great toe base.
- We explain the symptoms, treatment, and a simple taping technique to protect the toe.
Turf Toe Injury Causes:
- The turf toe is caused by hyperextension of the big toe joint.
- This leads to sprained big toe ligaments at the bottom of the foot.
- This can range from a small strain to a complete rupture of the ligaments.
- In extreme cases, this could even cause dislocation of the big toe joint.
- Swelling and pain at the joint of the big toe and metatarsal bone in the foot.
- Pain and tenderness on bending the toe or pulling (stretching) it upwards.
- The shoe grips hard on the surface and sticks, causing the body weight to go forward and bend the toe up. It is also common in martial arts. You are more at risk if you have an increased range of motion in the ankle and/or wear soft, flexible shoes.
- When the toe is bent upwards, this causes damage to the ligaments under the toe can become stretched. In addition, the surfaces of the bones at the joint can become damaged. An X-ray is usually recommended to check that there is no fracture present.
- If pain in the MTP joint at the base of the big toe comes and goes, lasting for around a week at a time, with no obvious cause – consider gout!
Turf Toe Taping:
- The above video goes into depth on turf toe.
- We like to keep it simple. The video above shows how to use at-home duct tape so that you can limit your costs and do it right away.
- As a matter of personal preference, we like the carbon fiber insole, as this limits the need to have to take your toe every time you go outside.
- The taping is a cheaper alternative, but as you start sweating, the tape can come loose.
- Turf toe taping is effective, but it is not perfect!
- It is a great alternative to turf toe splints and braces that are expensive online.
Best Brace for Turf Toe:
- The best brace for turf toe is a hard rigid carbon insole plate.
- This goes into your shoe, so you don’t need anything bulky.
- The cost is roughly $50, and these do work really well for taking pressure off your big toe joint.
- This is one of our favorite ways to treat turf toe.
- Initially, you may want to be in a walking boot to keep pressure off the injury.
- Consider the three grades. These are very important.
Best Shoes for Turf Toe:
- The best shoes for turf toe are great running shoes with a rigid cathodic inside of them.
- We also recommend good orthotics with a group cut-out for the big toe joint.
- This can include something called the metatarsal plate or metatarsal pad.
- Here we provide a link for our favorite turf toe shoes, these include running shoes, but there are exceptions for other types of work shoes and possibly sandals.
Best Turf Toe Home Treatment:
- What can the athlete do to treat turf toe?
- Ice the injury immediately.
- Tape the toe
- Apply a compression bandage.
- See a sports injury professional for advice
- Rest, which might include crutches to take the weight off the toe.
- Use a brace to protect the toe – or at the very least wear a shoe that has a firm sole that will not allow bending.
Turf toe treatment can consist of two phases, first is control inflammation, next is to control bio-mechanics.
Big Toe Joint Immobilization:
- A turf toe plate is probably the best type of treatment.
- A good pair of shoes and a turf plate can be enough to prevent re-injury.
- It can sometimes be dangerous to just do nothing as you will get stiff and potentially suffer a re-injury to the site.
Best Big Toe Joint Stabilizing Products:
- These are great products for minor turf toe injuries.
- If your have a fracture or higher level injury, see your podiatrist, stronger immobilization is likely needed!
Best Fracture Stabilizing Products:
- These are great products for offloading more severe foot injuries.
- If your have a fracture or higher level injury, see your podiatrist, stronger immobilization is likely needed!
Best Offloading Scooters:
- These are great products for offloading more severe foot injuries.
- If your have a fracture or higher level injury, see your podiatrist, stronger immobilization is likely needed!
Removing The Stress:
- The key is to prevent future pain.
- This is the TRUE cure to turf toe.
- You need to offload the site and give it time to relax.
Best Turf Toe Orthotics:
- These are our recommended turf toe orthotics.
Best Full Length Orthotics:
Best Dress Shoe Orthotics:
Best 3/4 Length Orthotics:
Get A Great Dynamic Stretch:
- It is possible to stretch on your own, but these products can also really help!
Get A Great Static Stretch:
- These devices are great for stretching while you are resting.
Control Inflammation:
Massage & Ice Products:
- Massage and icing your arch and calf muscle will take a significant amount of stress off of your muscles and tendons.
- This will relieve pressure on the big toe joint.
- The metal ball is one of my personal favorites.
Menthol Based Gels:
- Biofreeze is one of our favorites.
- This can cool inflammation to your big toe joint.
- These gels have been studied to work 2x as long as ice.
Massage Sticks:
- These can work great for loosening your muscles.
- Don’t use this on your actual turf toe, but on your calf muscle and arch to loosen these up.
Turf Toe Taping:
- Turf toe taping can work well but it has its downsides.
- Taping can hold it from hyperextending, but the problem is sweat.
- As your skin sweats or becomes moist the tap loosens.
- Usually tape is not robust enough to give really good support.
- For this reason we would recommend a turf toe plate.
What can podiatrist do for your turf toe?
- X-ray to check for a fracture.
- Apply ultrasound or other electrotherapy treatment.
- After 2 to 4 days the athlete may be able to weight bear again.
- Tape the toe to prevent movement.
- Advise on a rehabilitation and strengthening program.
- Recovery of this injury can take three to four weeks depending on how bad the sprain is.
- If the athlete does not look after this injury then it may develop into Hallux Limitus/Rigidus! This is a decreased range of motion due to arthritis around the joint. This can cause problems in the rest of the foot or lower limb due to changes to your walking cycle (gait).
Big Toe Joint, Hammer Toe & Bunionette Problems: