Twisted Ankle Recovery Time [Best Treatment Guide]
Twisted Ankle Recovery Time: 95% of the time, you can get it feeling better with RICE, protection, and then regaining your flexibility. Find out HOW!
Table of Contents
What Is A Twisted Ankle?
Ankle sprains happen when you roll your foot in. There are 3 ligaments on the outside of your foot that case stretch, partially tears, and completely tear:
A “stretch” is known as a grade 1 ankleย sprain.
A partial tear is known as a grade 2 ankleย sprain.
A complete tear is known as a grade 3 ankle sprain.
The recovery time for a sprained or twisted ankle can vary depending on the stage. Stage one can take 1 to 2 weeks, stage II can take to four weeks, and stage III can take between 4 to 8 weeks. The key is to protect in the early stages and then rehab later.
Twisted Ankle Recovery Time:
The recovery time depends on what type of sprain you have. If the ligaments are just stretched, then it could be weeks. But if you fully tear the ligaments, you will be out numerous months and potentially need surgery!
2 types of Twisted Ankle Sprains:
A)Inversion Ankle Sprain.
B)High Ankle Sprain.
A) Inversionย Twisted Ankle Recovery Time:
From Shortest To Longest:
Grade 1 Sprain: Stretched Ligaments.
This is a very mild sprain that should only take 3-5 days or up to 2-3 weeks to get better.
The difference in time has to do with how you treat the twisted ankle.
Using rest, ice, compression & elevation in the early stages can dramatically increase healing time.
Recovery Time: 3 days – 2 weeks!
Improve this but using withย rest, ice, compression & elevation!
You can see on the outside of your ankle. There are a lot of ligaments. You have your peroneal tendons, deep ligaments such as the ATFL, the CFL, and the PTFL.
Grade 2 Sprain: Partially Torn Ligaments.
This is when one or more of the lateral ankle ligaments have been damaged. This will take a minimum of 2-4 weeks to heal & could take even longer.
This means that either the anterior talofibular ligament or the calcaneofibular ligament are partially torn.
If these types of sprains are not treated properly, they may lead to chronic ankle instability.
Athletes with chronic ankle instability will likely need braces & physical therapy in the future.
It is even possible to start developing ankle arthritis & ankle spurs within a decade or so chronic ankle instability.
Recovery Time: 2-4 weeks Minimum!
Improve this but using rest, ice, compression & elevation initially.
Time off until it heals is usually necessary.
Accommodation braces may be necessary early on until healing.
Grade 3 Sprain: Partially Torn Ligaments.
This is a complete tear of the ankle ligaments with possible dislocation of the ankle.
This type of ankle injury will take many months to heal.
It is likely to have an osteochondral defect: this means cartilage damage.
Further lower extremity foot and ankle tendons or ligaments may also be damaged.
It may be necessary to check for compartment syndrome.
Suppose you rupture or tear your ankle ligaments. This can be a stage III ankle sprain. This takes a long time to get better. After two weeks of icing and immobilizing, and then 6 to 8 weeks of protecting the ankle.
Recovery Time: 2-3 Months+!
This type of ankle sprain will require a visit to your podiatrist for evaluation.
Depending on the situation or the damage, you may need surgery to avoid future damage.
B) Highย Twisted Ankle Recovery Time:
A high ankle sprain occurs when your foot turns outย while still planted firmly on the ground at 90 degrees.
This is the damage of the ligaments within your leg rather than on the outside of your ankle.
These occur between the tibia and the fibula of your lower leg.
The ligaments of your syndesmosis are damaged.
A high ankle sprain is the ligaments above your ankle joint. These connect your tibia and fibula. This sprain can take about 6 to 8 weeks to get better completely, depending on the severity of the spring. If you tear, your ligaments can be even longer.
From Shortest To Longest:
Grade 1 Sprain: Stretched Syndesmosis.
The joint is stable upon testing stress testing (performed by the physician under imaging).
The injury should heal in a few short days or weeks.
The athlete is likely still able to stand on the foot.
No gross dislocation or disruptions.
Recovery Time: 3 days – 2 weeks!
Improve this but using withย rest, ice, compression & elevation!
There may or may not be some loosening on stress testing by the podiatrist.
An MRI may be necessary to diagnose the extent of the injury.
The athlete may have difficulty bearing weight on the ankle.
There likely will not be widening.
Recovery Time: 2-4 weeks Minimum!
Improve this but using rest, ice, compression & elevation initially.
Time off until it heals is usually necessary.
Accommodation braces may be necessary early on until healing.
The high ankle sprain syndesmosis tear is the ligaments above your ankle. It is your anterior inferior talofibular ligament. If this is torn, your fibula and tibia can come apart and have gaps slightly. This is called the AITFL: this is a mouthful.
Grade 3 Sprain: Fully Torn Syndesmosis.
Complete dislocation of the talus from between the tibia and fibula.
This is obvious, and it looks very gruesome.
It will require many months to get better.
This will require physician treatment immediately to relocate and assess the injury.
If the syndesmosis tears between your fibula and tibia, it can lead to ankle joint injury and instability. This is very difficult to run or walk with, and ankle joints syndesmosis rupture.
Recovery Time: 2-3 Months+!
This type of ankle sprain will require a visit to your podiatrist for evaluation.
Depending on the situation or the damage, you may need surgery to avoid future damage.
Ankle Sprain Home Treatment:
The first thing to do is see your podiatrist immediately to get this condition diagnosed.
It is difficult to judge online whether it is a fracture not. You may need more significant offloading than can be provided by any of these braces.
Protect your ankle joint:
Initially, right after the injury.
You want a good stable ankle brace.
These are our recommended ankle sprain braces.
These are the best-reviewed and the best cost braces that we could find excavation point.
Best Ankle Stability Braces (Not for Compression):
The Best Overall Brace For Fit & Support.
Most Supportive Premium Brace.
Best Budge Supportive Brace.
Price not available
Amazing brace, best fit and support combination: If you can afford it.
This is the best brace for pure support, but it can't fit in more snug shoes.
Outstanding brace for the price point. This is a figure 8 strap with laces, soft interface.
Amazing brace. Best reviews and best fit. This is the Ferrari of braces if you can afford it.
This is a very highly rated, great reviewed brace. The support and stability is top notch for athletics. Very durable and does it's job.
Amazing reviews with proven track record. This is very soft and supportive in your shoe.
The only downside besides cost, is complexity. This brace must be left or right. Not interchangeable. It is also for post-injury situations and good support. Not for compression!
The brace may be a little too big for a more snug shoe. This requires some room to fit and would be the main complaint. Hard interface along the padding.
The main downside is the durability and the ability for the material to give out. Great at first but maybe 3-4 months of continuous use prior to failure.
Important Tips:
Make sure to choose left vs. right. This is a high level brace mean specifically for injury support. This is not for compression or non-injury situations. It will be too tight.
This is a fantastic and supportive brace. Just make sure that your shoe will have some room for it to fit. Most good running shoes should let it fit.
This is an excellent starter brace if you have never had a brace before. It is a little longer to put with the straps and laces.
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Best Ankle Stability Braces (Not for Compression):
The Best Overall Brace For Fit & Support.
Amazing brace, best fit and support combination: If you can afford it.
Amazing brace. Best reviews and best fit. This is the Ferrari of braces if you can afford it.
The only downside besides cost, is complexity. This brace must be left or right. Not interchangeable. It is also for post-injury situations and good support. Not for compression!
Important Tips:
Make sure to choose left vs. right. This is a high level brace mean specifically for injury support. This is not for compression or non-injury situations. It will be too tight.
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Best Ankle Stability Braces (Not for Compression):
Most Supportive Premium Brace.
Price not available
This is the best brace for pure support, but it can't fit in more snug shoes.
This is a very highly rated, great reviewed brace. The support and stability is top notch for athletics. Very durable and does it's job.
The brace may be a little too big for a more snug shoe. This requires some room to fit and would be the main complaint. Hard interface along the padding.
Important Tips:
This is a fantastic and supportive brace. Just make sure that your shoe will have some room for it to fit. Most good running shoes should let it fit.
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Best Ankle Stability Braces (Not for Compression):
Best Budge Supportive Brace.
Outstanding brace for the price point. This is a figure 8 strap with laces, soft interface.
Amazing reviews with proven track record. This is very soft and supportive in your shoe.
The main downside is the durability and the ability for the material to give out. Great at first but maybe 3-4 months of continuous use prior to failure.
Important Tips:
This is an excellent starter brace if you have never had a brace before. It is a little longer to put with the straps and laces.
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Once the initial few weeks have gone by, and your pain is getting better, the key is to provide compression combined with stability.
These are not as stable as the stability, providing braces, but they will provide compression to fit into more pairs of shoes.
Best Heel & Ankle Compression Braces:
Best Premium Brace (Support & Compression)
Budget Brace With Some Compression & Some Support.
Price not available
This is The Top Level Brace - Does Compression, Support & Great Fit.
This brace attempts mild compression and mild support.
Excellent brace: Best overall mix of compression & support, and it still fits in most shoes! If you have a chronic injury and need to wear normal shoes => This is the BEST CHOICE.
Good rating at 4.3 with 2,000 reviews. It is cost effective and gives some support with some compression. Does both ok, but excellent when price is factored in.
Expensive. It doesn't do any single thing the best. There are cheaper and more supportive braces, there are cheaper and more compressive braces. But no braces combine the two and still fit in a shoe.
Does not really do anything well. Weak support and not the best compression. Meant as an assist for chronic pain and low activity. Not for an acute injury.
Important Tips:
This is a high durability brace for everyday use. If you have chronic arthritis or pain with a high need for activity, this is your brace to use! **Gel inside seems to deteriorate after daily washing at about 1 year old**
This is mean for lower activity and better fit than a true supportive brace. Don't use this for an acute sprain or injury.
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This is The Top Level Brace - Does Compression, Support & Great Fit.
Excellent brace: Best overall mix of compression & support, and it still fits in most shoes! If you have a chronic injury and need to wear normal shoes => This is the BEST CHOICE.
Expensive. It doesn't do any single thing the best. There are cheaper and more supportive braces, there are cheaper and more compressive braces. But no braces combine the two and still fit in a shoe.
Important Tips:
This is a high durability brace for everyday use. If you have chronic arthritis or pain with a high need for activity, this is your brace to use! **Gel inside seems to deteriorate after daily washing at about 1 year old**
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Budget Brace With Some Compression & Some Support.
This brace attempts mild compression and mild support.
Good rating at 4.3 with 2,000 reviews. It is cost effective and gives some support with some compression. Does both ok, but excellent when price is factored in.
Does not really do anything well. Weak support and not the best compression. Meant as an assist for chronic pain and low activity. Not for an acute injury.
Important Tips:
This is mean for lower activity and better fit than a true supportive brace. Don't use this for an acute sprain or injury.
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